w [JP 1-02] search subarea width
W 1Warrior, 2west, 3weekly, 4watt, 5aircraft symbol-weather, 6first letter in USCG ship designator, 7[JP 1-02] sweep width
W&M weapons and munitions
W-day [JP 1-02] declared by the NCA, W-day is associated with an adversary decision to prepare for war
w/ with
W/G within guidance
W/O 1written off, 2without
W/S workstation
W3 World Wide Web
W3A World Wide Web applets
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
W4 what-works-with-what
WA Washington
WAA 1wartime aircraft activity, 2wide aperture array
WAA RET wartime aircraft activity reporting system retrievals
WAACS Wartime Aircraft Activity Capability System (HQ USAF)
WAAM 1WWMCCS® Allocation and Assessment Model, 2wide area antiarmor munitions
WAARS Wartime Aircraft Activity Reporting System (USAF)
WAAS wide area augmentation system
WAATS Western ARNG/Aviation Training Sites
WABI windows application binary interface [SunSoft]
WABNRES worldwide airborne resources
WAC 1weapon aiming computer, 2world aeronautical chart
WACB [AR 310-50] Women's Army Classification Battery
WACC Washington Area Contracting Center (MAC)
WACMS WWMCCS®/WIS Automated Configuration Management System
WACO 1WWMCCS® ADP Contracting Officer, 2[AR 310-50] written advice of contracting officer
WACOS WWMCCS® ADP Continuity of Service
WACSM [AR 310-50] Women's Army Corps Service Medal
WAD 1WWMCCS® ADP Directorate, 2workload assignment document
WADC Wright Air Development Center
WADDS WWMCCS® ADP Directory of Databases and Systems
WADS wide area data service
WAE when actually employed
WAF wiring around frame
WAFDS WWMCCS® ADP Fiscal Data Systems
WAGB [USCG] ice breaker
WAGE weapons aerospace ground equipment
WAGL USCG lighthouse tender
WAGO oceanographic cutter
WAI Web Accessibility Initiative [W3C]
WAIN wide-area integrated network
WAIS 1Wide-Area Information Services, 2wide area imaging system
WAITS wide area information transfer system
WALT warning assessment logic terminal
WAM 1workload analysis activity report system, 2wide area mine, 3wide area munitions, 4[JP 1-02] Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS©) Automated Data Processing (ADP) Modernization Program
WAM PMO [JP 1-02] Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS©) Automated Data Processing (ADP) Modernization Program (WAM) Program Management Office
WAMOSCOPE wave-modulated oscilloscope
WAN wide area network
WAP 1work assignment procedure, 2waste analysis plan
WAPS Weighted Airman Promotion System
WARCONFAC war consumables consumption Factor (USAF)
WARF [AR 310-50] wartime active replacement factors
WARLA wide aperture radio location array
WARLINK Warrior link
WARLOCE [AR 310-50] Wartime Lines of Communication, Europe
WARLOG [AR 310-50] wartime logistics
WARM wartime reserve modes
WARMAPS Wartime Manpower Planning System (OSD)
WARMARS Wartime Manpower Requirements System (USAFE)
WarMod Warfighter modernization
WARN worker adjustment and retraining notification
WARNO warning order
WARP Worldwide AUTODIN Restoral Plan
WARPAC Warsaw Pact
WARS 1Wartime Assessment and Requirements System (AFLC), 2Worldwide Ammunition Reporting System (Army), 3worldwide ammunition requirement status
WARSAMS WARSAW SAM Missile Simulation System
WARSIM 1Warfighter Simulation [2000], 2war simulation
WARSL War Reserve Stockage List
WARSMART Simulation Model for Allocation of Resources for Training (ATC)
WAS 1war-at-sea [USN], 2weapon aiming system, 3Weapons Alert System (NORAD), 4wide area search
WASAC [AR 310-50] Working Group of Army Study Advisory Committee
WASH DC [AR 310-50] Washington, DC
WASHFAX Washington Area High-Speed Facsimile System
WASO 1WWMCCS® ADP Security Officer, 2[JP 1-02] Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS©) Automated Data Processing (ADP) security office
WASP 1War Air Service Program, 2Weasel attack signal processor, 3wrap around simulation program
WASS 1wide area surveillance system, 2WWMCCS® ADP system security
WASSM WWMCCS® ADP system security manager
WASSO WWMCCS® ADP system security officer
WAT weight, altitude, temperature (factors determining take-off performance)
WATASO WWMCCS® ADP terminal area security officer
WATCHCON [JP 1-02] watch condition
WATS 1wide area telecommunications service, 2wide area telephone service, 3wide area telephone system, 4wide area tracking system
WAUXCP West Auxiliary Airborne Command Post (SAC)
WAVELL United Kingdom command and control system
WAWAS Washington Area Warning System
WAWS Washington Area Wideband System
WB 1weather bureau, 2wideband, 3waybill, 4wage board, 5[AR 310-50] weekly bulletin
WB/WAAS Wartime Beddown/Wartime Aircraft Activity System (USAF)
WBAMC [AR 310-50] William Beaumont Army Medical Center
WBAWS [AR 310-50] Weather Briefing and Advisory Service
WBC 1weight and balance computer, 2wide-body cargo, 3wide-body CRAF
WBCO waveguide below cutoff
WBCV wide-band coherent video
WBD 1wide-band data, 2wire bound
WBDL wide-band data link
WBEM web-based enterprise management
WBFM wide-band frequency modulation
WBGT wet bulb globe thermometer
WBI Web Browser Intelligence [IBM]
WBIF wide-band intermediate frequency
WBL wide-band limiting
WBMS work breakdown management structure
WBRS wide-band remote switch [unit]
WBS 1work breakdown schedule, 2work breakdown structure, 3weight and balance system
WBSC wide band signal channel-radio
WBSCB [AR 310-50] Work Breakdown Structure Control Board
WBSS wideband digital switching system
WBST 1wideband secure terminal, 2wideband subscriber terminal
WBSV wideband secure voice
WBSVN wideband secure voice network
WBSVVS wideband secure voice via satellite
WBT 1wait before transmission, 2[TR 350-70] Web-based training
WBTS wide-band transmission system
WC 1word count, 2weapon control, 3weapons controller, 4weather center, 5without charge, 6[JP 1-02] wind current
WC3 warning, command, control and communications
WCA 1worst case analysis, 2[JP 4-01.7] water clearance authority
WCAC WWMCCS® crisis alerting capability
WCAN WWMCCS® crisis alerting network
WCAS Workload Collection and Analysis System (USAF)
WCC wideband communications capsule
WCCS 1Washington Crisis Communications System, 2Wing Command and Control System (USAF), 3wireless communication and control system
WCD 1work center description, 2work control document
WCDO war consumables distribution objective
WCDOS Wartime Consumable Distribution Objectives System
WCDR war consumables distribution requirements
WCE 1write cache enable, 2weapons controller element
WCG 1workstation, computer graphics, 2water-cooled garment
WCL weapons custody list
WCM 1weapon control module, 2weapons countermeasures and mines (USN)
WCN 1worldwide communications network, 2worksheet control number
WCP wing command post
WCRS War Consumable Reporting System (USAF/PACAF)
WCS 1weapon control system, 2workload control system (TAC), 3workstation control and synchronization, 4world coordinate system, 5waveguide communications system, 6[FM 101-5-1] weapons control status
WCSG WWMCCS® Council Support Group
wd [AR 310-50] withdrawn
WD 1application withdrawn, 2watt demand meter, 3warning display, 4weapons director, 5wiring data
WDA [AR 310-50] weapons defended area
WDAMS WIS Database Management System
WDB wide band
WDBII World Database II
WDC work distribution chart
WDCP WSPRS Data Collection Program
WDL 1Windows Driver Library [Microsoft], 2[AR 310-50] weapons density list
WDNS weapons delivery and navigation system
WDRAM windows dynamic random access memory
WDSIL data automation resource management system
WDT warning display terminal
WE 1weather effects, 2with equipment, 3withholding exemptions, 4write enable
WEA weapons expenditures authorization
WebNFS Web Network File System [Sun]
WECO weather current operations
WEF with effect from
WEG weapons evaluation group
WELL Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link (BBS)
WEP 1WWMCCS® evaluation program, 2Windows® exit procedure, 3weapon effect planning, 4work execution plan
WEPH weapon phenomenology
WES 1WWMCCS® entry system (FORSCOM), 2weapons effect simulation
WESCOM weapons effects on satellite communications
WESP war and emergency support plan
WESS 1weapon system status, 2WWMCCS® environmental support system, 3[AR 310-50] weapons effect signature simulator
WEST 1weapon effectiveness simulated threat, 2[AR 310-50] Women's Enlistment Screening Test
WESTAR Western Union Satellite
WESTCOM United States Army Western Command (Pacific)
WESTHEM Western Hemisphere
WESTPAC Western Pacific
WETM [JP 1-02] weather team
WETS [AR 310-50] week-end training site
WEU Western European Union (defense organization)
WEZ weapon engagement zone
WF Warfighter
WFA 1warfighter's associate, 2[TTPIO-ABCS] Warfighter accessory
WFCI fast coastal interceptor
WFCMV wheeled fuel-consuming motor vehicle
WFE [CJCSI 3222.01] warfighting environment
WFG wait for graph
WFH wartime flying hours
WFLA Warfighting Lens Analysis
WFM 1wired for management [Intel], 2workflow manager
WFO Washington Field Office, Security Assistance Training Field Activity, United States Army (SATFA, Army)
WFP 1waiver focal point, 2[JP 3-08] World Food Programme (United Nations)
WFU withdrawn from use.
WFW Windows for Workgroups [Microsoft]
WFX Warfighter exercise
WFZ weapons free zone
WG 1waveguide, 2wire gauge, 3working group, 4wing, 5[AR 310-50] wage-grade civilian employees
WGBC waveguide operating below cutoff
WGE working group of experts
WGM weighted guideline method
WGS 1work group system, 2weather graphics system, 3world geodetic system
WGS-84 [JP 1-02] World Geodetic System 1984
WGSC war gaming and simulation center
Wh watt hour
WH 1White House, 2[JP 1-03.17] wounded due to hostilities
WHAM 1waveform hold and modify [Microsoft], 2West Hemisphere AUTODIN management
WHC 1watt hour meter with contact device, 2workstation host connection
WHCA 1White House Communications Agency, 2War Hazard Compensation Act
whd [AR 310-50] warhead
WHD [AR 310-50] western hemisphere defense
WHDM watt hour demand meter
WHDS [AR 310-50] warhead section
WHEC [USCG] high endurance cutter
WHEP White House Emergency Plan
WHIST [AR 310-50] Worldwide Household Goods Information System for Traffic Management
WHL watt hour meter with loss compensator
Whm watt hour meter
WHMO White House Military Office
WHNRS [JP 1-02] wartime host-nation religious support
WHNS wartime host nation support
WHNSIMS [JP 1-02] Wartime Host Nation Support Information Management System
WHO World Health Organization
WHR [AR 310-50] western hemisphere reserve
whs [AR 310-50] warehouse
WHS Washington Headquarters Services
whsmn [AR 310-50] warehouseman
WHSR White House Situation Room
WHT watt-hour demand meter, thermal type
WI 1Wisconsin, 2warning installations, 3Warsaw Initiative
WIA wounded in action
WIBNI wouldn’t it be nice if
WIC 1warning information correlation, 2weapon instructor course
WICS 1worldwide intelligence communication system, 2warning information and correlation system
WICU weather intercept control unit
WIDD warfighting integration and development directorate
WIDE wiring integration design
WIG wing-in-ground effect
WIGE wing-in-ground effect
WIM wideband interconnection module
WIMI [AR 310-50] watercraft intensively managed items
WIMM 1weapons integrated materiel manager, 2worldwide interservice materiel management
WIMMS Weapons Integrated Materiel Management System
WIMS 1Work Information Management System (USAF), 2Worldwide Intra-theater Mobility Study (OSD)
WIMS-ES Work Information Management System – Environmental Subsystem
WIMWSS worldwide integrated management of wholesale subsistence stock (DLA)
WIN 1WWMCCS® Information Network, 2WWMCCS® Intercomputer Network, 3Warfighter Information Network
WINA WWMCCS® information needs analysis
WINCS WWMCCS® Intercomputer Network Communications Subsystem
WIND 1WWMCCS® Intercomputer Network Director, 2weather information network and display
WINDS weather information network and display system
WINE Windows® emulator
WINForum Wireless Information Networks Forum
WINGS Warning and Intelligence Gathering Sensor Program (USN)
WINS Windows-Internet Naming Service [Microsoft]
WINSOCK 1Windows Open Systems Architecture [Microsoft], 2Windows® Sockets
WINSTATS WIN statistics systems (WWMCCS®)
WINTEX winter exercise
WINWORD Word for Windows [Microsoft]
WIP 1work in progress, 2weapon integration plan, 3[AR 310-50] work in place
WIPT 1working-level integrated product team, 2working level integrated process team
WIR [AR 310-50] weekly intelligence review
WIS 1WWMCCS® Information System, 2wedge imaging spectrometer, 3wideband instrumentation system, 4wireless intercommunications system
WIS CMS WIS Configuration Management System
WIS JPM WIS Joint Program Manager
WIS SPO WIS Systems Program Office (ESD)
WISDIM WWMCCS® Dictionary for Information Management
WISE WordPerfect Information System Environment
WISNAS WIS Network Authentication Service
WISP Wartime Information Security Program
WISRA WIS Requirements Analysis
WISSA Wholesale Interservice Supply Support Agreement
WIT 1Web interactive talk [Internet], 2work improvement team
WITS 1WSGT Intelligent Terminal System (WWMCCS®), 2Washington Interagency Telecommunications System (GSA)
WIU weapons interface unit
WIX [USCG] training cutter
WKRP World-Wide Keypunch Replacement Program (USAF)
wl [AR 310-50] workload
WL 1water line, 2wavelength, 3word line, 4working level, 5Wright Laboratory
WLB 1[USCG] seagoing buoy tender, 2[AR 310-50] weapons logbook
WLCS [AR 310-50] workload and cost schedule
WLD [AR 310-50] west longitude date
WLE wing leading edge
WLG [JP 1-02] Washington liaison group
WLI inshore buoy tender
WLIC inland construction tender
WLM 1working-level month, 2[USCG] coastal buoy tender
WLR 1weapons-locating radar, 2[USCG] river buoy tender
WLT weapons load training
WLV light vessel
WM 1wattmeter, 2work measurement, 3workload manager
WMC 1Workflow Management Coalition, 2[AR 310-50] weapons monitoring center
WMD weapons of mass destruction
WMEC [USCG] medium endurance cutter
WMIP [AR 310-50] weapons management improvement program
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WMOP weather observation master plan
WMP 1War and Mobilization Plan (USAF), 2war mobilization planning
WMPC war materiel production capability
WMR war materiel requirement
WMS workload management system
WMSC weather message switching center
WN 1Warnet, 2will not
WNB [AR 310-50] will not be
WNBC [AR 310-50] Washington National Records Center
WNDP worldwide numbering and dialing plan
WNFE WWMCCS® network front-end
WNIC wide-area network interface coprocessor
WNIM wide-area network interface module
WNINTEL warning notice – intelligence sources and method involved
WNP [AR 310-50] will not proceed
WNRC Washington National Record Center
WNS Worldwide Navigation System
WNW [AR 310-50] west-northwest
WNY [AR 310-50] Washington Navy Yard
wo [AR 310-50] without
WO warrant officer
WO1 [AR 310-50] warrant officer, W-1
WOA 1WebObject Application [NeXt], 2wartime operating airfield
WOAC warrant officer advanced course
WOBC warrant officer basic course
WOC 1Wing Operations Center (USAF/NATO), 2[AR 310-50] without compensation
WOCC Warrant Officer Career Center
WOCS Warrant Officer Candidate School
WOD 1wind over the deck [of a carrier], 2word of day
WOES Warrant Officer Education System
WOLDAP Warrant Officer Leader Development Action Plan
WOM write optical memory
WOMA Warrant Officer Management Act
WOMBAT waste of money, brains, and time
WOMOS warrant officer military occupational specialty
WOP wing operation plan
WOPE without personnel and equipment
WOQT [AR 310-50] Warrant Officer Qualification Test
WORAM word oriented random access memory
WORCS Work Order Reporting and Communication System (Army)
WORM write once read many
WORSAMS [AR 310-50] Worldwide Organization Structure for Army medical Support
WOS workstation operating system
WOSA Windows Open Services/Systems Architecture [Microsoft]
WOSAC world-wide synchronization of atomic clocks
WOSB 1women-owned small business, 2[AR 310-50] weather observation site building
WOSBC women-owned small business concerns
WOSC Warrant Officer Staff College
WOSSC Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course
WOTS Warrant Officer Training System
WOTTCC Warrant Officer Technical and Tactical Certification
WOW Windows on Win32
WOWN [AR 310-50] without winch
WOWS wire obstacle warning system
WP 1Warsaw Pact, 2workspace-register pointer, 3weatherproof [insulation], 4word processor, 5work package, 6work plan, 7working paper, 8WordPerfect®, 9word processing, 10write protected, 11water point, 12working party, 13[AR 310-50] white phosphorous
WP/A weapons procurement (appropriation), Army
WP/AF weapons procurement (appropriation), Air Force
WP/N weapons procurement (appropriation), Navy
WP/M weapons procurement (appropriation), Marines
WPA [JP 1-02] water jet propulsion assembly
WPAC West Pacific (Satellite)
WPAFB Wright Patterson Air Force Base
WPAL [JP 1-02] wartime personnel allowance list
WPARR war plans additive requirements report
WPB 1[USCG] large patrol boat, 2War Production Board
Wpc watts per candle
WPC 1Warrior Preparation Center (USAFE), 2word processing center
WPCC Write Paterson Contracting Center
WPD Windows® printer description
WPE word processing equipment
WPFA weather products in forward areas
WPHD write-protect hard disk
WPI Wholesale Price Index
WPIE warning plan interface equipment
WPLO water port logistic office
WPM words per minute
wpn [AR 310-50] weapon
WPN 1weapon procurement, Navy, 2[JP 1-02] weapon(s)
WPOD water port of discharge
WPOE water port of embarkation
WPOS workplace operating system
WPP [AR 310-50] Weapons Production Program
WPR 1War Powers Resolution, 2weapon system report
WPREQ request for nuclear reserve weapons
WPRS War Powers Reporting System
WPS 1words per second, 2wordprocessing system, 3working prototype system, 4Windows® printing system [Microsoft],5Workplace Shell [IBM OS/2], 6Worldwide Port System, 7[AR 310-50] with prior service
WPSE weapon-peculiar support equipment
WPVM Windows parallel virtual machine
WPWOD [AR 310-50] will proceed without delay
WQEA weapon quality surveillance activity
wr [AR 310-50] water - rail
WR 1Wilson repeater, 2weather reconnaissance, 3[CJCSI 3231.01] weapon radius, 4[JP 4-02.1] war reserve
WR-ALC Warner Robins Air Logistics Center (AFLC)
WRA weapons replaceable assemblies
WRAIN [AR 310-50] Walter Reed Army Institute of Nursing
WRAIR Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
WRAM Windows® random access memory
WRAMC Walter Reed Army Medical Center
WRAMSOS WR-ALC Multiple System OFP Support System
WRAP 1war reserve automated process, 2Warfighter Rapid Acquisition Program, 3workpackage risk analysis procedure
WRB 1Web Request Broker [Oracle], 2warranty review board
WRC wartime consumption rate
WRCS weapon release computer set
WRDC Wright Research and Development Center (USAF)
WRECS weapon radiation effects on communications systems
WRK Windows Resource Kit [Microsoft]
WRM 1war readiness materiel, 2war reserve materiel (USAF), 3work rate master
WRMAG Water Resources Management Action Group
WRMCMR WRM control and management reporting (USAFE)
WRMLRSSL WRM Lists Requirements and Spares Supply List
wrmn [AR 310-50] wireman
WRMR war reserve materiel requirement
WRMRS WRM Rating System
WRMS war reserve materiel stocks
WRS 1weather reconnaissance squadron, 2war reserve stock
WRSA war reserve stock for allies
WRSK 1War Readiness Spares Kit (USAF), 2[JP 1-02] war reserve spares kit
WRSK/BLSS WRSK/base level self-sufficiency spares
WRT with respect to
WRWC wartime requirements for war consumables
WS 1weather squadron, 2weasel support, 3workstation, 4WordStar®, 5weapon system, 6weapon standardization, 7[FM 101-5-1] Samoa Western
WS3 weapon storage and security system
WSA 1weapons storage area, 2WWMCCS® system architecture, 3warfare system architect, 4[AR 310-50] weapon systems analysis
WSA&E warfare systems architecture and engineering (USN)
WSAB weapon system assessment briefing
WSAG Washington Special Action Group
WSAM 1weapon system assessment model, 2Weapon Systems Acquisition Manager Program for Naval Officers
WSAP weapon system acquisition process
WSAPI Web Site Application Program Interface [O'Reilly]
WSAS WWMCCS® standard application software
WSB weapons services branch
WSBCRCS Worldwide Stock Balance and Consumption Report Consolidation System
WSC 1Army/Navy waterborne special communications, 2War Support Center (Europe), 3weapons system controller, 4WIN site coordinator, 5wing security control, 6[JP 1-02] Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS©) Intercomputer Network (WIN) site coordinator
WSD 1working stress design, 2weapon system designator
WSDC weapon system designator code
WSDL weapons system data link
WSDP weapon source data package
WSE 1WWMCCS® system engineer (DCA), 2warfare system engineer, 3[JP 1-02] weapon support equipment
WSEG [AR 310-50] Weapons Systems Evaluation Group
WSEO WWMCCS® System Engineering Organization (DCA)
WSEP Weapons System Evaluation Program
WSES [USCG] surface effect ship
WSESRB weapon system explosive safety review board
WSF 1weapons systems fill, 2weather support force, 3weapon system factor, 4weapon system file
WSGT WWMCCS® standard graphics terminal
WSHCI weapon system human computer interface
WSIAO Weapon Support, Improvements and Analysis Office
WSIG weapon support improvement group (OSD)
WSIP weapon systems improvement program
WSIS weapon system information subsystem
WSLSC Worldwide Software Lifecycle Support Contract
WSM 1weapons system manager, 2warfighter system modeling, 3weapons safety manager, 4weapons system management
WSMAT weapon system management team
WSMC Western Space and Missile Center (AFSC)
WSMD weapon system management directorate
WSMIS Weapon System Management Information System (AFLC)
WSMP Weapon System Master Plan [USAF]
WSMR White Sands Missile Range
WSO 1weapon system operator, 2weapons systems officer, 3warning systems operator (USSPACECOM/ USSTRATCOM), 4[AR 310-50] Washington Standardization Officers
WSP 1weapons system pouch, 2weapons system package, 3weapons system processor, 4[AR 310-50] water supply point, [AR 310-50] Work Simplification Program
WSPAR weapon system program assessment review
WSPRS WIN SCF Performance Reporting System
WSPS 1Worldwide Standard Port System (MTMC), 2weapon systems pouch service
WSR 1weapon system reliability, 2weapons status report, 3weather search radar, 4weapon system review
WSRP [AR 310-50] weapons system requisitioning procedure
WSS 1warfare support system, 2weapons system security, 3WWMCCS® Standard System, 4workflow suspense system,5workstation server
WSSIB WWMCCS® Standard System Information Base
WSSM 1weapon system support model, 2weapon system staff manager
WSSO weapon system support officer
WSSS WWMCCS® standard system software
WST weapon system trainer
WSTA weapon system testability analyzer
WSTAWG weapon system technical architecture working group
WSTF [AR 310-50] White Sands Test Facilities
WSTM [AR 310-50] White Sands Transverse Macerator
WSU weather support unit
WSUMS WWDMS Scheduling and Management System
WSV 1wideband secure voice, 2weapon storage vault
WSVN Worldwide Secure Voice Network
WSW 1west-southwest, 2weapon system warranty
WSWP weapon system warranty plan
wt weight
WT 1differential temperature, 2write through, 3weapon training, 4wireless telegraphy, 5[JP 1-02] gross weight, 6[JP 1-02] warping tug, 7[JP 1-02] weight
WTC 1weapon and tactic center, 2workload technician code
WTCA water terminal clearance authority
WTCV weapons and tracked combat vehicles (appropriation) (Army)
WTD weapons training detachment
WTDOS weapon training detachments operating spares
WTGB harbor ice breaker
WTLO [JP 4-01.5] water terminal logistic office
WTO World Trade Organization
WTR [AR 310-50] Western Test Range
WTS 1world terminal synchronous, 2Washington Tactical Switch, 3wartime task standard, 4workload tracking system
WTT 1weapon and tactics trainer, 2wind tunnel testing
Wu [JP 1-02] uncorrected sweep width
WU 1Western Union, 2[AR 310-50] weapons and utilities maintenance
WUBA [USN] working uniform blue alpha
WUC work unit code
WUIS 1work unit information system, 2work unit information summary
WUR wartime usage rate
WV 1West Virginia, 2working voltage
WVA [AR 310-50] Watervliet Arsenal
WVDC working voltage direct current
WVEH [AR 310-50] wheel vehicle
WVRD [JP 3-08] World Vision Relief and Development, Inc
WVS world vector shoreline
WVS+ world vector shoreline plus
ww [AR 310-50] worldwide
WW 1wireway, 2wire-wound, 3MCCS ADP control center, 4weather wing, 5Wild Weasel
WWA Wild Weasel augmentation
WWABNCP Worldwide Airborne Command Post
WWAP [AR 310-50] Worldwide Asset Position
WWB [USN] working winter blue [uniform]
WWC wing work center
WWDMS Worldwide Data Management System (WWMCCS®)
WWDSA worldwide digital systems architecture
WWII [JP 1-02] World War II
WWIIVM [AR 310-50] World War II Victory Medal
WWIMS 1worldwide indicator and monitoring system, 2[JP 1-02] Worldwide Warning and Indicator Monitoring System
WWIMWSS Worldwide Management of Wholesale Subsistence Stock (DLA)
WWIO [AR 310-50] worldwide inventory objective
WWIS World Wide Information System [Internet]
WWIVM [AR 310-50] World War I Victory Medal
WWM wing weapons manager
WWMCCS® Worldwide Military Command and Control Computer System [trademark of Honeywell, Phoenix, AZ]
WWMCCSDPCE WWMCCS® Data Processing Center, Europe
WWMCS Worldwide Military Communication System
WWN [AR 310-50] with winch
WWO wing weather officer
WWOLS Worldwide On Line System (DCA)
WWPS Worldwide Port System
WWS WIS workstation
WWSS warfare and warfare support system
WWSV worldwide secure voice
WWSVA worldwide secure voice architecture
WWSVCS Worldwide Secure Voice Conferencing System
WWTCIP Worldwide Technical Control Improvement Plan
WWTP waste water treatment plant
WWW 1Worldwide Web, 2world weather watch
WX weather
WXFCST weather forecast
WXOBS weather observation report
WXSITREP weather situation report
WY Wyoming
WYSBYGI what you see before you get it
WYSIAYG what you see is all you get
WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
WYTL small harbor tugs
WYTM medium harbor tugs
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