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l [JP 1-02] search subarea length

L 1aircraft symbol – cold weather, 2[FM 101-5-1] light (refers to infantry) (graphics), 3[JP 1-02] length

L&I launch and impact (radar missile report)

L&L legislative liaison

L&MM logistics and materiel management

L&OG logistics and operations group

L&V lethality and vulnerability

L-COM logistics composite model (USAF)

L-hour [JP 1-02] specific hour on C-day at which a deployment operation commences or is to commence

L/C load crew

L/D lift-to-drag ratio

L/L latitude/longitude

L/M lines per minute

L/O lift-off

L/R 1launch and recovery, 2locus of radius

L3TV low light level television

L6 Honeywell Level 6 (WWMCCS®)

LA 1laser gyro axis, 2lead angle, 3lightning arrester, 4Louisiana, 5logistics assistance, 6library administrator, 7log analyzer, 8low altitude, 9legislative affairs, 10legislative assistant (Congress), 11[JP 1-02] lead agent, 12[JP 1-02] loop key generator (LKG) adapter, 13[JP 1-02] line amplifier, 14[JP 1-02] legal adviser, 15[AR 310-50] letter of activation

LA/LL legislative affairs/liaison

LAA 1local access authorization, 2limited access authorization

LAAMS land armaments movement model

LAAP [AR 310-50] Louisiana Army Ammunition Plant

LAAS 1low altitude airfield attack system, 2low altitude alerting system

LAAV light airborne ASW vehicle

LAAW 1lightweight assault antitank weapon, 2[AR 310-50] legal automated Army - wide

LAB 1land air battle, 2low altitude bombing, 3[FM 101-5-1] logistics assault base, 4[AR 310-50] laboratory

LABCOM United States Army Laboratory Command

LABS [AR 310-50] low-altitude bomb aiming system

LAC 1local area controller, 2limited agency check, 3leading air craftsman, 4last acquisition cost, 5local agency check

LACE [AR 310-50] local automatic circuit exchange

LACH [JP 1-02] lightweight amphibious container handler

LACI Land Air Campaign Initiative (USAREUR)

LACV [JP 1-02] lighter, air cushioned vehicle

LAD 1location aid device, 2logical aptitude device, 3latest arrival date, 4logistics anchor desk, 5low altitude dispenser, 6[JP 1-02] latest arrival date at port of debarkation, 7[AR 310-50] liquid agent detector

LADA [AR 310-50] light air defense artillery

LADAPT lookup dictionary adapter program

LADAR 1laser detection and ranging, 2laser radar

LADD low altitude drogue

LADDR layered device driver architecture [Microsoft]

LAE left arithmetic element

LAEDP large area electronic display panel

LAG 1load and go assembler, 2logical application group, 3launch analysis group

LAH 1local analyzer of hypothesis, 2light attack helicopter

LAI lean aircraft initiative

LAIR Letterman Army Institute of Research

LAIS Logistics Attrition Information System (TAC)

LAISO Lead Army Materiel Command Integration Support Office

LAIT [AR 310-50] logistics assistance and instruction team

LAK look-alike disk

LALL longest allowed lobe length

LAM 1Louisiana Maneuvers, 2loop adder and modifier, 3logistics attrition model (SAC)

LAMC [AR 310-50] Letterman Army Medical Center

LAMCS [AR 310-50] Latin American Military Communications System

LAMM land armament manpower and materiel database (NATO)

LAMPS 1light airborne multipurpose system, 2Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System. [LAMPS I was the SH-2D Seasprite, LAMPS II is the SH-60B Seahawk], 3logistics assessment of modifications program

LAMS local area missile system

LAN 1local area network, 2launch after NUDET, 3local apparent noon

LAN/WAN local/wide area network

LANA low-altitude night attack system

LANACS local area network asynchronous connection server

LANCC 1local area network control center, 2local area network communications controller

LANCC/SM local area network control center and security monitor

LANCRAB [AR 310-50] landing craft and bases

LANDP local area network distributed platform

LANDSAT [JP 3-50.2] land satellite

LANDSOUTH Allied Land Forces Southern Europe (NATO)

LANDSOUTHEAST Allied Land Forces Southeastern Europe (NATO)

LANDSS Lightweight Advanced Night/Day Surveillance System

LANE local area network emulation

LANHIP local area network host interface protocol

LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory

LANNET 1large artificial nerve net, 2large artificial neuron network

LANS Loran Airborne Navigation System

LANT Atlantic Area

LANTCOM Atlantic Command (USN)

LANTDAC Atlantic Command Defense Analysis Center

LANTDIS United States Atlantic Command Deployable Intelligence System

LANTFLT Atlantic Fleet

LANTIRN Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared, Night

LAO [JP 1-02] limited attack option, [AR 310-50] logistic assistance office

LAOCIF [AR 310-50] Logistic Assistance Office Command Internet Flasher

LAP 1leadership assessment program, 2load, assemble, and pack, 3lesson assembly program, 4list assembly program, 5link access procedure, 6launcher avionics package, 7link access protocol, 8loading, assembling, and packing

LAP-B link access protocol-balanced

LAPB 1link access procedure balanced (protocol), 2link access protocol balanced

LAPD 1link access procedure direct (protocol), 2limited axial power distribution, 3link access protocol – digital

LAPDOG low-altitude pursuit on ground

LAPE low altitude parachute extraction system

LAPERS Labor and Production Effectiveness Reporting System

LAPES Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System

LAPM link access procedure for modems

LAR 1logistics assessment review, 2low angle reentry, 3load access rights, 4local acquisition radar, 5logistics assistance representative, 6launch acceptability region

LARC 1locally assigned ammunition reporting code, 2[JP 1-02] lighter, amphibious resupply cargo

LARC-60 [JP 1-02] lighter, amphibious resupply cargo

LARC-LX [JP 4-01.6] lighter, amphibious resupply cargo 60 ton

LARC-V [JP 4-01.6] lighter, amphibious resupply cargo 5 ton

LARIAT Laser Radar Intelligence Acquisition Technology [469L spacetrack]

LARS laser angular rate sensor [Defender]

LAS 1large astronomical satellite, 2limited space charge accumulation

LASCOM laser communication

LASCR light-activated silicon-controlled rectifier

LASE logistic asset support estimate

LASER (laser) light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

LASERCOM laser communications

LASH [JP 1-02] lighter aboard ship

LASINT laser intelligence

LASL Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory

LASS 1Logistics Activities Status System (JCS), 2[USN] launch area support ship

LASSO laser search and secure observer

LASTE low altitude safety and targeting enhancement

LASTport local area storage transport (protocol) [DEC]

lat latitude

LAT 1local access terminal, 2lot acceptance test, 3local apparent time, 4local area transport [DEC], 5[AR 310-50] latitude

LATA local access and transport area

LAU launcher unit

LAV light armored vehicle

LAV-AD light armored vehicle air defense

LAV-FIST Light Armored Vehicle Full Crew Interactive Simulation Trainer

LAVA linear amplifier for various applications

LAVC local area VAX cluster

LAW light antitank weapon

LAWN local area wireless network

LAWS low-altitude warning system

lb pound

LB 1light bombardment, 2line block, 3local battery, 4left button (of 2 or 3 button mouse), 5large business, 6[TTPIO-ABCS] Longbow, 7[AR 310-50] litter bearer, 8[AR 310-50] landing beach

LBA logical block addressing

LBAD [AR 310-50] Lexington - Blue Grass Army Deport

LBD laser beam directors (RADC)

LBH light battlefield helicopter

LBHE low blast, high exposure

LBL 1label, 2liability company

LBO line buildout

LBP length between perpendiculars

LBR librarian

LBS line block simulator

LBSS Lightweight Battlefield Surveillance System

LBT 1low bit test, 2listen before talk

LBTS land based test site

LBVDS lightweight, broadband variable depth sonar

LBX local bus accelerator

LC 1line of contact, 2Library of Congress, 3inductor-capacitor circuit (as in filters, L is symbol inductance), 4lead covered, 5level control, 6line carrying, 7line connector, 8line of communication, 9liquid crystals, 10load center, 11load carrier, 12lightweight computer, 13load compensating [relay], 14low carbon, 15letter contract, 16[JP 1-02] lake current

LC3 logistics command, control, and communications

LCA 1logistics control activity, 2Lotus Communications Architecture, 3landing craft, assault, 4[AR 310-50] launcher control area (missile)

LCAAP [AR 310-50] Lake City Army Ammunition Plant

LCAC [USN] landing craft, air cushioned

LCAJ low-cost anti-jam system

LCAMIMS Logistics Capability Assessment Models Information Management System (HQ USAF)

LCATS Large Capacity Automated Telecommunications System (USAF)

LCB [JP 1-02] line of constant bearing

LCC 1logistic control code, 2life-cycle cost, 3logistics coordination center, 4liquid crystal cell, 5logistics control center, 6land component commander, 7leadless chip carrier, 8amphibious command ship, 9launch control center, 10local command center,11limited capability configuration, 12launch control car, 13[JP 1-02] lighterage control center, 14[JP 1-02] link communications circuit, 15[AR 310-50] landing craft, control

LCCB [AR 310-50] local configuration control board

LCCBA life cycle cost benefit analysis

LCCE life-cycle cost estimate

LCCS 1life-cycle contract support, 2life cycle contractor support

LCD 1liquid crystal display, 2load classification group, 3lowest common denominator, 4logistics communication division

LCDL large components test loop

LCDR [AR 310-50] lieutenant commander

LCE logistics capability estimator

LCEHV low cost expendable harassment vehicle

LCES [JP 1-02] line conditioning equipment scanner

LCF 1language central facility, 2local cycle fatigue, 3low cost fiber, 4low cycle fatigue

LCH light combat helicopter

LCHS Large Component Handling System

LCI 1logical channel identifier, 2[USN] landing craft, infantry, 3[AR 310-50] launcher control indicator

LCK Library Construction Kit [Microsoft FoxPro]

LCL 1lifting condensation level, 2linkage control language, 3less than carload

LCLM low-cost lightweight missile

LCLV liquid-crystal light valve

LCM 1life-cycle model, 2life cycle management, 3large core memory, 4least common multiple, 5LEAF creation method, 6least common multiplier, 7[USN] landing craft, mechanized (units), 8laboratory contract manager, 9line control module, 10logistics capability model (USAFE)

LCMM Life Cycle Management Model

LCMP life cycle management plan

LCMS Logistics Capability Measurement System (USAF)

LCMWG life cycle management working group

LCN 1logistics support analysis control number, 2load classification number, 3local computer network, 4logistic control number

LCO 1loan control officer, 2limited condition of operability, 3[JP 1-02] lighterage control officer, 4[AR 310-50] launching control officer

LCOM logistic composite model

LCOP [AR 310-50] Logistics Control Office, Pacific

LCP 1link control protocol, 2language conversion program, 3[USN] landing craft, personnel, 4[JP 1-02] lighterage control point

LCPK low cost precision kill

LCPL landing craft, personnel, large

LCPVC life cycle present value costs

LCR 1inductance-capacitance-resistance, 2log count rate, 3line control register, 4listed character reference

LCS 1large core storage, 2loop control system, 3loudness-contour selector, 4life cycle support, 5launch control system

LCSE life cycle software engineering

LCSEC life-cycle software engineering center

LCSMM Life Cycle System Management Model

LCSP life cycle support plan

LCSRM loop current step response method

LCSS 1Lightweight Camouflage Screen System, 2land combat support system, 3life cycle software support

LCSSE life cycle software support environment

LCT 1[USN] landing craft, tank, 2landing craft tanks, 3low cost terminal

LCTA land condition trend analysis

LCTI large components test installation

LCU 1lightweight computer unit, 2[USN] landing craft, utility, 3last cluster used, 4[JP 1-02] launch correlation unit

LCV light commercial vehicles

LCVD least voltage coincidence detection

LCVIP licensee contractor vendor inspection report

LCVP [USN] landing craft, vehicle, personnel

LCX logistics coordination exercise

LD 1line of departure, 2light discipline, 3line drawing, 4long distance, 5loaded deployability posture, 6launch dependability,7logistic demonstration, 7[AR 310-50] line of duty

LD is FFD [AR 310-50] line of departure is friendly forward disposition

LD is PPos [AR 310-50] line of departure is present position

LD/LC [FM 101-5-1] line of departure is line of contact

LDA 1logical device address, 2locate drum address, 3landing distance available

LDAP lightweight directory access protocol [IBM]

LDB light distribution box

LDC 1latitude data computer, 2light direction center, 3line drop compensator, 4land defense of CONUS, 5less developed country,6local distribution center telephone, 7[AR 310-50] local defense center, 8[AR 310-50] logistics data center

LDCC 1large diameter component cask, 2leaded chip carrier

LDCS long distance control system

LDD loss, damage, or destruction

LDDI less developed defense industrial nation

LDDN Leader Development Decision Network

LDDS low density data system

LDE 1laminar defect examination, 2linear differential equation

LDEF long-duration exposure facility (RADC)

LDF 1linear display file, 2lightweight digital facsimile

LDG logistics data gateway

LDGP low-drag, general purpose (bomb)

LDI [JP 1-02] line driver interface

LDL [AR 310-50] lower division level

LDM 1long distance modem, 2logistics decision model, 3logistics data manager

LDMX 1local digital message exchange, 2less than full exchange

LDNS doppler navigation system

LDO 1limited duty officer, 2[JP 1-02] laser designator operator

LDOCF long distance operational control facility

LDP 1language data processing, 2language designated position, 3[AR 310-50] local data processor

ldr leader

LDR 1light dependent resistor, 2low data rate, 3[JP 1-02] leader

LDRDEV leader developer

LDRI low data rate input

LDRS LEM data reduction system

LDS 1large disk storage, 2local distribution system, 3logistics data system

LDSRA [AR 310-50] United States Army Logistics Doctrine Systems and Readiness Agency

LDSS Leader Development Support System

LDSVR letter design specification validation report

LDT 1logic design translator, 2long distance transmission, 3Local Descriptor Table [IBM OS/2]

LDUUV large diameter unmanned undersea vehicle

LDVR letter design validation report

LDVS Logistics Data Validation System (JCS)

LDX long distance xerography

LE 1antenna effect length for electric-field antennas, 2leading edge, 3light equipment, 4limut or error, 5less or equal, 6low explosive, 7launch effectiveness, 8lightning effect, 9[FM 101-5-1] Lebanon

LEA 1United States Army Logistic Evaluation Agency, 2load effective address, 3law enforcement agency, 4limited exclusion area,5logistic engineering analysis

LEAD 1leadership education and development, 2low-cost encryption authentication devices, 3Letterkenny Army Depot, 4logistic engineering advanced demonstration

LEADS Law Enforcement Automated Data System

LEAF law enforcement access field

LEAP 1[computer] Language for the Expression of Associative Procedures, 2lightweight exoatmospheric projectile

LEAR Logistics Evaluation and Review Technique

LEAS Lease Electronic Accounting System

LEASAT [JP 1-02] leased satellite

LEAU [JP 3-07.4] Law Enforcement Assistance Unit (FAA)

LEC 1local area network emulation client, 2local exchange carrier, 3LANTCOM ELINT Center Local Exchange

LECP logistic engineering change proposal

LED 1light-emitting diode, 2low endoatmospheric defense, 3law enforcement desk

LEDC Logistics Executive Development Course

LEDET [JP 1-02] law enforcement detachment (USCG)

LEDT limited-entry decision table

LEED 1laser-energised explosive device, 2low energy electron diffraction

LEER low-energy electron reflections

LEF light-emitting film

LEG [AR 310-50] logistical expediting group

LEI link eleven improvements

LEL link, embed and launch-to-edit [Lotus]

LEM 1antenna effective length for magnetic-field antennas, 2logistics element manager, 3language extension module, 4Lunar Excursion Module [renamed LM], 5logistic element manager

LEMUF limit of error on materiel unaccounted for

LEN 1low entry networking, 2large extension node

LENS large extension node switch

LENSCE limited enemy situation correlation element (USAF)

LEO 1link everything online [WWW], 2low earth orbit

LEP 1lowest evaluated price, 2lower end plug, 3Logistics Excellence Program, 4layered electrical product, 5[CJCSI 6130.01] linear error probable

LEPC local emergency planning committee

LER 1licensee event report, 2light-emitting resister, 3loss exchange ratio

LERP linear interpolation

LERTCON 1Alert Condition System (JCS), 2[AR 310-50] alert condition

LERX leading edge root extension

LES 1launch environment simulator, 2limited early site, 3local area network emulation server, 4leading edge services, 5leading edge simulation (TAC), 6[JP 1-02] Lincoln Laboratories Experimental Satellite, 7[JP 1-02] law enforcement sensitive, 8[AR 310-50] leave and earnings statement

LESATCOM leased satellite communication [UHF]

LESR limited early site review

LET 1Launch Effects Trainer, 2linear energy transfer, 3[JP 1-02] light equipment transport

LEWDD lightweight early warning detection device

LEWS lightweight extreme weather shelter

LEWWG land electronic warfare working group

LEX 1lexicon, 2leading edge extension

LF 1leapfrog configuration [circuit theory], 2load factor [tabular], 3low frequency (30 to 300 kHz), 4line feed, 5landing force, 6launch facility, 7local forces, 8low frequency synthesizer, 9late finish

LFA low frequency active

LFBCS Light Forces Battle Command Simulator

LFC 1low frequency control, 2local file check

LFCCIS Land Forces Command and Control Information System [Canada]

LFCS [AR 310-50] land forces classification system

LFDF low frequency direction finder

LFF logistics factors file (WWMCCS®)

LFI last file indicator

LFICS landing force integrated communications system

LFM 1linear FM, 2[JP 1-02] Landing Force Manual

LFN 1long file name, 2long file names

LFNGFT [AR 310-50] landing force naval gunfire team

LFO low-frequency oscillator

LFOC landing force operations center (USMC)

LFORM [JP 1-02] landing force operational reserve material

LFOV large field-of-view

LFP 1large format printing, 2logistics funding profile

LFR 1low frequency range, 2launch and flight reliability

LFRD lot frequency reliability definition

LFSMS logistics force structure management system

LFSP landing force support party (USMC)

LFT 1low function terminal [IBM], 2live fire test

LFT&E live fire test and evaluation

LFU least frequently used

LFWC Lockheed Fort Worth Company

LFX live fire exercise

LG 1lecture guide, 2landing gear, 3landing ground, 4logistics, 5Directorate of Logistics Systems, AFDSDC, 6logistics, 7logistics group, 7[FM 101-5-1] Latvia, 8[JP 1-02] deputy chief of staff for logistics

LGB laser guided bomb

LGD large group display

LGDT load global descriptor table

LGG light-gun pulse generator

LGM 1laser guided munition, 2silo-launched, guided ground-to-ground missile, 3[JP 1-02] laser-guided missile, 4[JP 1-02] loop group multiplexer

LGM-118A Peacekeeper ICBM (SAC)

LGM-25 Titan II

LGM-30 Minuteman

LGP laser guided projectile

LGSM light ground station module

LGST logistic service test

LGT low group transmit

lgth [AR 310-50] length

LGTHCOLM [AR 310-50] length of column

LGW [JP 1-02] laser-guided weapon

LGWD large group wall display

LGWS laser-guided weapons systems

LH 1labor hour, 2left-hand, 3liquid hydrogen, 4luteinizing hormone, 5light helicopter, 6lower half, 7[FM 101-5-1] Lithuania