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z [JP 1-02] effort

Z 1aircraft symbol – planning, 2flash precedence, 3zenith, 4zero, 5Zulu Time (GMT)

Z-CAV zoned constant angular velocity

Z-LIN developmental line item number

ZA 1zero adjusted, 2zero and add

ZAI zero administration initiative

ZAK Zero Administration Kit [Microsoft]

ZAR Zeus acquisition radar

ZAW zero administration for Windows [Microsoft]

ZB zero beat

ZBB zero based budgeting

ZBR zone-bit recording [IBM]

ZBT zero balance transfer

ZD zero defects

ZDL zero delay lockout

ZDS Zenith Data Systems

ZDT zero-ductility transition

ZEMTR [AR 310-50] ZEUS early missile test radar

ZETA zero energy thermonuclear assembly

ZF zone of fire

ZFC zero failure criteria

ZFS zero field splitting

ZFW zero fuel weight

ZGE zero gravity effect

ZGS zero gradient synchrotron

ZI 1zonal index, 2zone of interior, 3[FM 101-5-1] Zimbabwe

ZIF zero-insertion force (socket)

ZIP 1zigzag in-line package, 2Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP code), 3zone information protocol

ZIT zone information table

ZK [FM 101-5-1] Czech Republick

ZKA Communications signal to automatically seize the submarine broadcast network

zkW zero kilowatt

ZLIN developmental line item number

ZM zone marker

ZODIAC zone defense integrated active capability

ZOE [AR 310-50] zone of entry

ZOP zero-overpricing

ZOS [FM 101-5-1] zone of separation

ZP zone of protection

ZPA zero period acceleration

ZPV zoomed port video [Toshiba]

ZS zero and subtract

ZSL zero slot LAN

Zt [JP 1-02] total available effort

ZTO 1zero time outage, 2zone transportation officer, 3[AR 310-50] zone transportation office

ZULU 1Greenwich Meantime, 2[FM 101-5-1] Universal (GMT) Time

ZWS zero wait state



Y 1yes, 2aircraft symbol – prototype, 3emergency command precedence symbol, 4[JP 1-02] search and rescue unit (SRU) error

Y2K Year 2000

Y2KWG Year 2000 working group

YA yet another

YAA yet another addition

YABA yet another bloody acronym

YACC Young Adult Conservation Corps

YAFIYGI you asked for it, you got it

YAG miscellaneous auxiliary service craft

YAHOO Yet Another Hierarchically Officious Oracle [Internet search engine]

YAM Yet Another Modem [Omen Technology]

YC [USN] open car lighter

YCF [USN] car float

YCV [USN] aircraft transportation lighter

YD floating crane

YDT diving tender

YE [FM 101-5-1] Yemen

YF [USN] covered lighter (self propelled)

YFB ferry boat or launch

YFD yard floating dry dock

YFN [USN] covered lighter (non-self propelled)

YFNB [USN] large covered lighter

YFND dry dock companion craft

YFNX [USN] lighter (special-purpose)

YFP floating power barge

YFRN [USN] refrigerated covered lighter

YFRT [USN] range tender

YFU harbor utility craft

YGN [USN] garbage lighter

YIL yellow indicating light

YLC [USN] salvage lift crane

YM dredge (self propelled)

YMN dredge (non-self propelled)

YN [USN] yeoman (secretary-type)

YNG [USN] gate craft

YO fuel oil barge (self propelled)

YOB [AR 310-50] year of birth

YOC [AR 310-50] Youth Opportunity Corps

YOG gasoline barge (self propelled)

YON gasoline barge (non-self propelled)

YOP Youth Opportunity Program

YOS oil storage barge (non-self propelled)

YP 1[USN] patrol craft (training), 2[AR 310-50] yield point (psi)ield point

YPD floating pile driver

YPG Yuma Proving Grounds [AZ]

YR 1floating workshop, 2[JP 1-02] year

YRB repair and berthing barge

YRBM repair, berthing, and messing barge

YRDH floating dry dock workshop (hull)

YRDM floating dry dock workshop (machine)

YRR radiological repair barge

YRST salvage craft tender

YS 1yield strength, 2[AR 310-50] yardstick, 3[AR 310-50] yield strength (psi)

YSF yield safety factor

YSLF yield strength load factor

YSR 1sludge removal barge, 2[USN] seaplane wrecking derrick

YTB [USN] large harbor tug

YTD year to date

YTL small harbor tug

YTM medium harbor tug

YTT torpedo trials craft

YU [FM 101-5-1] Serbia and Montenegro Federal Republic

YW water barge (self propelled)

YWN water barge (non-self propelled)

YYDDD year/Julian day

YYMMDD year, month, and day




X 1reactor, 2aircraft symbol – experimental or research, 3[JP 1-02] initial position error

X ray energetic high-frequency electromagnetic radiation

X-2 [AR 310-50] preliminary name for Spartan

X-3 [AR 310-50] preliminary name for high-performance Spartan

X-MIL extra military expense

X.500 standard which defines electronic mail directory services (mostly used in Europe)

X/Q relative concentration

X25 network access protocol

X2B hexadecimal to binary [REXX]

X2C hexadecimal to character [REXX]

X2D hexadecimal to decimal [REXX]

XA 1extended architecture, 2extended attribute

XACT X automatic code translation

XAPIA X.400 Application Program Interface Association

XBT expendable bath-thermograph

XC cross country

XCHG exchange

XCMD external command

XCO crystal-controlled oscillator

XCONN cross connection

XCOPY extended copy

XCVR [JP 1-02] transceiver

XDC [AR 310-50] control center for Nike-X system

XDCR transducer

XDF extended density format [IBM]

XDIN communications subsystem of IMAPS

XDP X-ray density probe

XDR 1external data representation, 2extended data representation

XEG X-ray emission gauge

XFCN external function

xfmr transformer

XGA extended graphics array [IBM]

XHV extreme high vacuum

XID exchange identifier

XIDB [USAF] Extended Integrated Database (for the MIDB System)

XIOS extended input/output system

XLAT translate

XLAU extended limited AUTODIN upgrade

XLM Excel Macro Language [Microsoft]

XMFR transformer

XMI XTendbus multibus Interface

xmit [AR 310-50] transmit

XMIT 1transmit, 2General Purpose Message Transmission System (USAFE)

XML Extensible Markup Language [Internet]

XMM extended memory manager [LIM/AST]

XMS extended memory specification

xmsn [AR 310-50] transmission

XMSN transmission

XMTD transmitted

XMTG transmitting

XMTL transmittal

xmtr [AR 310-50] transmitter

XMTR transmitter

XNS Xerox Network System (protocol)

XO 1executive officer, 2crystal oscillator, 3exactly once, 4exchange point, 5executive office, 6[AR 310-50] expenditure order

XOFF transmitter off

XON transmitter on

XOR exclusive OR (also EOR)

XOS experimental operating system

XPDR transponder

XPG X/Open Portability Guide

XPL explosive

XPP xyvision production publisher

XPRM Xerox Print Resources Manager [Xerox]

XPT cross point

xref cross-reference.

XREF cross-reference

XRL [AR 310-50] Extended Range LANCE

XRM X-ray microanalyzer

XRPM X-ray projection microscope

XRT extensions for real-time

XSB [JP 1-02] barrier single unit

XSECT cross section

XSMD extended storage module drive (interface)

XSSI extended server side includes

XT crosstalk

xstr [AR 310-50] transistor

xtal [AR 310-50] crystal

XTAL crystal

XTCLK external transmit clock

XTEL cross tell

XTS cross-tell simulator

XUTI LISP utility program

XUV extreme ultraviolet

XWAVE extraordinary wave

XWD X Window dump

XYrDev [AR 310-50] ten year device

XYZCOMS Xyz Communication System



w [JP 1-02] search subarea width

W 1Warrior, 2west, 3weekly, 4watt, 5aircraft symbol-weather, 6first letter in USCG ship designator, 7[JP 1-02] sweep width

W&M weapons and munitions

W-day [JP 1-02] declared by the NCA, W-day is associated with an adversary decision to prepare for war

w/ with

W/G within guidance

W/O 1written off, 2without

W/S workstation

W3 World Wide Web

W3A World Wide Web applets

W3C World Wide Web Consortium

W4 what-works-with-what

WA Washington

WAA 1wartime aircraft activity, 2wide aperture array

WAA RET wartime aircraft activity reporting system retrievals

WAACS Wartime Aircraft Activity Capability System (HQ USAF)

WAAM 1WWMCCS® Allocation and Assessment Model, 2wide area antiarmor munitions

WAARS Wartime Aircraft Activity Reporting System (USAF)

WAAS wide area augmentation system

WAATS Western ARNG/Aviation Training Sites

WABI windows application binary interface [SunSoft]

WABNRES worldwide airborne resources

WAC 1weapon aiming computer, 2world aeronautical chart

WACB [AR 310-50] Women's Army Classification Battery

WACC Washington Area Contracting Center (MAC)

WACMS WWMCCS®/WIS Automated Configuration Management System

WACO 1WWMCCS® ADP Contracting Officer, 2[AR 310-50] written advice of contracting officer

WACOS WWMCCS® ADP Continuity of Service

WACSM [AR 310-50] Women's Army Corps Service Medal

WAD 1WWMCCS® ADP Directorate, 2workload assignment document

WADC Wright Air Development Center

WADDS WWMCCS® ADP Directory of Databases and Systems

WADS wide area data service

WAE when actually employed

WAF wiring around frame

WAFDS WWMCCS® ADP Fiscal Data Systems

WAGB [USCG] ice breaker

WAGE weapons aerospace ground equipment

WAGL USCG lighthouse tender

WAGO oceanographic cutter

WAI Web Accessibility Initiative [W3C]

WAIN wide-area integrated network

WAIS 1Wide-Area Information Services, 2wide area imaging system

WAITS wide area information transfer system

WALT warning assessment logic terminal

WAM 1workload analysis activity report system, 2wide area mine, 3wide area munitions, 4[JP 1-02] Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS©) Automated Data Processing (ADP) Modernization Program

WAM PMO [JP 1-02] Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS©) Automated Data Processing (ADP) Modernization Program (WAM) Program Management Office

WAMOSCOPE wave-modulated oscilloscope

WAN wide area network

WAP 1work assignment procedure, 2waste analysis plan

WAPS Weighted Airman Promotion System

WARCONFAC war consumables consumption Factor (USAF)

WARF [AR 310-50] wartime active replacement factors

WARLA wide aperture radio location array

WARLINK Warrior link

WARLOCE [AR 310-50] Wartime Lines of Communication, Europe

WARLOG [AR 310-50] wartime logistics

WARM wartime reserve modes

WARMAPS Wartime Manpower Planning System (OSD)

WARMARS Wartime Manpower Requirements System (USAFE)

WarMod Warfighter modernization

WARN worker adjustment and retraining notification

WARNO warning order

WARP Worldwide AUTODIN Restoral Plan

WARPAC Warsaw Pact

WARS 1Wartime Assessment and Requirements System (AFLC), 2Worldwide Ammunition Reporting System (Army), 3worldwide ammunition requirement status

WARSAMS WARSAW SAM Missile Simulation System

WARSIM 1Warfighter Simulation [2000], 2war simulation

WARSL War Reserve Stockage List

WARSMART Simulation Model for Allocation of Resources for Training (ATC)

WAS 1war-at-sea [USN], 2weapon aiming system, 3Weapons Alert System (NORAD), 4wide area search

WASAC [AR 310-50] Working Group of Army Study Advisory Committee

WASH DC [AR 310-50] Washington, DC

WASHFAX Washington Area High-Speed Facsimile System

WASO 1WWMCCS® ADP Security Officer, 2[JP 1-02] Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS©) Automated Data Processing (ADP) security office

WASP 1War Air Service Program, 2Weasel attack signal processor, 3wrap around simulation program

WASS 1wide area surveillance system, 2WWMCCS® ADP system security

WASSM WWMCCS® ADP system security manager

WASSO WWMCCS® ADP system security officer

WAT weight, altitude, temperature (factors determining take-off performance)

WATASO WWMCCS® ADP terminal area security officer

WATCHCON [JP 1-02] watch condition

WATS 1wide area telecommunications service, 2wide area telephone service, 3wide area telephone system, 4wide area tracking system

WAUXCP West Auxiliary Airborne Command Post (SAC)

WAVELL United Kingdom command and control system

WAWAS Washington Area Warning System

WAWS Washington Area Wideband System

WB 1weather bureau, 2wideband, 3waybill, 4wage board, 5[AR 310-50] weekly bulletin

WB/WAAS Wartime Beddown/Wartime Aircraft Activity System (USAF)

WBAMC [AR 310-50] William Beaumont Army Medical Center

WBAWS [AR 310-50] Weather Briefing and Advisory Service

WBC 1weight and balance computer, 2wide-body cargo, 3wide-body CRAF

WBCO waveguide below cutoff

WBCV wide-band coherent video

WBD 1wide-band data, 2wire bound

WBDL wide-band data link

WBEM web-based enterprise management

WBFM wide-band frequency modulation

WBGT wet bulb globe thermometer

WBI Web Browser Intelligence [IBM]

WBIF wide-band intermediate frequency

WBL wide-band limiting

WBMS work breakdown management structure

WBRS wide-band remote switch [unit]

WBS 1work breakdown schedule, 2work breakdown structure, 3weight and balance system

WBSC wide band signal channel-radio

WBSCB [AR 310-50] Work Breakdown Structure Control Board

WBSS wideband digital switching system

WBST 1wideband secure terminal, 2wideband subscriber terminal

WBSV wideband secure voice

WBSVN wideband secure voice network

WBSVVS wideband secure voice via satellite

WBT 1wait before transmission, 2[TR 350-70] Web-based training

WBTS wide-band transmission system

WC 1word count, 2weapon control, 3weapons controller, 4weather center, 5without charge, 6[JP 1-02] wind current

WC3 warning, command, control and communications

WCA 1worst case analysis, 2[JP 4-01.7] water clearance authority

WCAC WWMCCS® crisis alerting capability

WCAN WWMCCS® crisis alerting network

WCAS Workload Collection and Analysis System (USAF)

WCC wideband communications capsule

WCCS 1Washington Crisis Communications System, 2Wing Command and Control System (USAF), 3wireless communication and control system

WCD 1work center description, 2work control document

WCDO war consumables distribution objective

WCDOS Wartime Consumable Distribution Objectives System

WCDR war consumables distribution requirements

WCE 1write cache enable, 2weapons controller element

WCG 1workstation, computer graphics, 2water-cooled garment

WCL weapons custody list

WCM 1weapon control module, 2weapons countermeasures and mines (USN)

WCN 1worldwide communications network, 2worksheet control number

WCP wing command post

WCRS War Consumable Reporting System (USAF/PACAF)

WCS 1weapon control system, 2workload control system (TAC), 3workstation control and synchronization, 4world coordinate system, 5waveguide communications system, 6[FM 101-5-1] weapons control status

WCSG WWMCCS® Council Support Group

wd [AR 310-50] withdrawn

WD 1application withdrawn, 2watt demand meter, 3warning display, 4weapons director, 5wiring data

WDA [AR 310-50] weapons defended area

WDAMS WIS Database Management System

WDB wide band

WDBII World Database II

WDC work distribution chart

WDCP WSPRS Data Collection Program

WDL 1Windows Driver Library [Microsoft], 2[AR 310-50] weapons density list

WDNS weapons delivery and navigation system

WDRAM windows dynamic random access memory

WDSIL data automation resource management system

WDT warning display terminal

WE 1weather effects, 2with equipment, 3withholding exemptions, 4write enable

WEA weapons expenditures authorization

WebNFS Web Network File System [Sun]

WECO weather current operations

WEF with effect from

WEG weapons evaluation group

WELL Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link (BBS)

WEO WWMCCS® evaluation office

WEP 1WWMCCS® evaluation program, 2Windows® exit procedure, 3weapon effect planning, 4work execution plan

WEPH weapon phenomenology

WES 1WWMCCS® entry system (FORSCOM), 2weapons effect simulation

WESCOM weapons effects on satellite communications

WESP war and emergency support plan

WESS 1weapon system status, 2WWMCCS® environmental support system, 3[AR 310-50] weapons effect signature simulator

WEST 1weapon effectiveness simulated threat, 2[AR 310-50] Women's Enlistment Screening Test

WESTAR Western Union Satellite

WESTCOM United States Army Western Command (Pacific)

WESTHEM Western Hemisphere

WESTPAC Western Pacific

WETM [JP 1-02] weather team

WETS [AR 310-50] week-end training site

WEU Western European Union (defense organization)

WEZ weapon engagement zone

WF Warfighter

WFA 1warfighter's associate, 2[TTPIO-ABCS] Warfighter accessory

WFCI fast coastal interceptor

WFCMV wheeled fuel-consuming motor vehicle

WFE [CJCSI 3222.01] warfighting environment

WFG wait for graph

WFH wartime flying hours

WFLA Warfighting Lens Analysis

WFM 1wired for management [Intel], 2workflow manager

WFO Washington Field Office, Security Assistance Training Field Activity, United States Army (SATFA, Army)

WFP 1waiver focal point, 2[JP 3-08] World Food Programme (United Nations)

WFU withdrawn from use.

WFW Windows for Workgroups [Microsoft]


WFX Warfighter exercise

WFZ weapons free zone

WG 1waveguide, 2wire gauge, 3working group, 4wing, 5[AR 310-50] wage-grade civilian employees

WGBC waveguide operating below cutoff

WGE working group of experts

WGM weighted guideline method

WGS 1work group system, 2weather graphics system, 3world geodetic system

WGS-84 [JP 1-02] World Geodetic System 1984

WGSC war gaming and simulation center

Wh watt hour

WH 1White House, 2[JP 1-03.17] wounded due to hostilities

WHAM 1waveform hold and modify [Microsoft], 2West Hemisphere AUTODIN management

WHC 1watt hour meter with contact device, 2workstation host connection

WHCA 1White House Communications Agency, 2War Hazard Compensation Act

whd [AR 310-50] warhead

WHD [AR 310-50] western hemisphere defense

WHDM watt hour demand meter

WHDS [AR 310-50] warhead section

WHEC [USCG] high endurance cutter

WHEP White House Emergency Plan

WHIST [AR 310-50] Worldwide Household Goods Information System for Traffic Management

WHL watt hour meter with loss compensator

Whm watt hour meter

WHMO White House Military Office

WHNRS [JP 1-02] wartime host-nation religious support

WHNS wartime host nation support

WHNSIMS [JP 1-02] Wartime Host Nation Support Information Management System

WHO World Health Organization

WHR [AR 310-50] western hemisphere reserve

whs [AR 310-50] warehouse

WHS Washington Headquarters Services

whsmn [AR 310-50] warehouseman

WHSR White House Situation Room

WHT watt-hour demand meter, thermal type

WI 1Wisconsin, 2warning installations, 3Warsaw Initiative

WIA wounded in action

WIBNI wouldn’t it be nice if

WIC 1warning information correlation, 2weapon instructor course

WICS 1worldwide intelligence communication system, 2warning information and correlation system

WICU weather intercept control unit

WIDD warfighting integration and development directorate

WIDE wiring integration design

WIG wing-in-ground effect

WIGE wing-in-ground effect

WIM wideband interconnection module

WIMI [AR 310-50] watercraft intensively managed items

WIMM 1weapons integrated materiel manager, 2worldwide interservice materiel management

WIMMS Weapons Integrated Materiel Management System

WIMS 1Work Information Management System (USAF), 2Worldwide Intra-theater Mobility Study (OSD)

WIMS-ES Work Information Management System – Environmental Subsystem

WIMWSS worldwide integrated management of wholesale subsistence stock (DLA)

WIN 1WWMCCS® Information Network, 2WWMCCS® Intercomputer Network, 3Warfighter Information Network

WINA WWMCCS® information needs analysis

WINCS WWMCCS® Intercomputer Network Communications Subsystem

WIND 1WWMCCS® Intercomputer Network Director, 2weather information network and display

WINDS weather information network and display system

WINE Windows® emulator

WINForum Wireless Information Networks Forum

WINGS Warning and Intelligence Gathering Sensor Program (USN)

WINS Windows-Internet Naming Service [Microsoft]

WINSOCK 1Windows Open Systems Architecture [Microsoft], 2Windows® Sockets

WINSTATS WIN statistics systems (WWMCCS®)

WINTEX winter exercise

WINWORD Word for Windows [Microsoft]

WIP 1work in progress, 2weapon integration plan, 3[AR 310-50] work in place

WIPT 1working-level integrated product team, 2working level integrated process team

WIR [AR 310-50] weekly intelligence review

WIS 1WWMCCS® Information System, 2wedge imaging spectrometer, 3wideband instrumentation system, 4wireless intercommunications system

WIS CMS WIS Configuration Management System

WIS JPM WIS Joint Program Manager

WIS SPO WIS Systems Program Office (ESD)

WISDIM WWMCCS® Dictionary for Information Management

WISE WordPerfect Information System Environment

WISNAS WIS Network Authentication Service

WISP Wartime Information Security Program

WISRA WIS Requirements Analysis

WISSA Wholesale Interservice Supply Support Agreement

WIT 1Web interactive talk [Internet], 2work improvement team

WITS 1WSGT Intelligent Terminal System (WWMCCS®), 2Washington Interagency Telecommunications System (GSA)

WIU weapons interface unit

WIX [USCG] training cutter

WKRP World-Wide Keypunch Replacement Program (USAF)

wl [AR 310-50] workload

WL 1water line, 2wavelength, 3word line, 4working level, 5Wright Laboratory

WLB 1[USCG] seagoing buoy tender, 2[AR 310-50] weapons logbook

WLCS [AR 310-50] workload and cost schedule

WLD [AR 310-50] west longitude date

WLE wing leading edge

WLG [JP 1-02] Washington liaison group

WLI inshore buoy tender

WLIC inland construction tender

WLM 1working-level month, 2[USCG] coastal buoy tender

WLR 1weapons-locating radar, 2[USCG] river buoy tender

WLT weapons load training

WLV light vessel

WM 1wattmeter, 2work measurement, 3workload manager

WMC 1Workflow Management Coalition, 2[AR 310-50] weapons monitoring center

WMD weapons of mass destruction

WMEC [USCG] medium endurance cutter

WMIP [AR 310-50] weapons management improvement program

WMO World Meteorological Organization

WMOP weather observation master plan

WMP 1War and Mobilization Plan (USAF), 2war mobilization planning

WMPC war materiel production capability

WMR war materiel requirement

WMS workload management system

WMSC weather message switching center

WN 1Warnet, 2will not

WNB [AR 310-50] will not be

WNBC [AR 310-50] Washington National Records Center

WNDP worldwide numbering and dialing plan

WNFE WWMCCS® network front-end

WNIC wide-area network interface coprocessor

WNIM wide-area network interface module

WNINTEL warning notice – intelligence sources and method involved

WNP [AR 310-50] will not proceed

WNRC Washington National Record Center

WNS Worldwide Navigation System

WNW [AR 310-50] west-northwest

WNY [AR 310-50] Washington Navy Yard

wo [AR 310-50] without

WO warrant officer

WO1 [AR 310-50] warrant officer, W-1

WOA 1WebObject Application [NeXt], 2wartime operating airfield

WOAC warrant officer advanced course

WOBC warrant officer basic course

WOC 1Wing Operations Center (USAF/NATO), 2[AR 310-50] without compensation

WOCC Warrant Officer Career Center

WOCS Warrant Officer Candidate School

WOD 1wind over the deck [of a carrier], 2word of day

WOES Warrant Officer Education System

WOLDAP Warrant Officer Leader Development Action Plan

WOM write optical memory

WOMA Warrant Officer Management Act

WOMBAT waste of money, brains, and time

WOMOS warrant officer military occupational specialty

WOP wing operation plan

WOPE without personnel and equipment

WOQT [AR 310-50] Warrant Officer Qualification Test

WORAM word oriented random access memory

WORCS Work Order Reporting and Communication System (Army)

WORM write once read many

WORSAMS [AR 310-50] Worldwide Organization Structure for Army medical Support

WOS workstation operating system

WOSA Windows Open Services/Systems Architecture [Microsoft]

WOSAC world-wide synchronization of atomic clocks

WOSB 1women-owned small business, 2[AR 310-50] weather observation site building

WOSBC women-owned small business concerns

WOSC Warrant Officer Staff College

WOSSC Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course

WOTS Warrant Officer Training System

WOTTCC Warrant Officer Technical and Tactical Certification

WOW Windows on Win32

WOWN [AR 310-50] without winch

WOWS wire obstacle warning system

WP 1Warsaw Pact, 2workspace-register pointer, 3weatherproof [insulation], 4word processor, 5work package, 6work plan, 7working paper, 8WordPerfect®, 9word processing, 10write protected, 11water point, 12working party, 13[AR 310-50] white phosphorous

WP/A weapons procurement (appropriation), Army

WP/AF weapons procurement (appropriation), Air Force

WP/N weapons procurement (appropriation), Navy

WP/M weapons procurement (appropriation), Marines

WPA [JP 1-02] water jet propulsion assembly

WPAC West Pacific (Satellite)

WPAFB Wright Patterson Air Force Base

WPAL [JP 1-02] wartime personnel allowance list

WPARR war plans additive requirements report

WPB 1[USCG] large patrol boat, 2War Production Board

Wpc watts per candle

WPC 1Warrior Preparation Center (USAFE), 2word processing center

WPCC Write Paterson Contracting Center

WPD Windows® printer description

WPE word processing equipment

WPFA weather products in forward areas

WPHD write-protect hard disk

WPI Wholesale Price Index

WPIE warning plan interface equipment

WPLO water port logistic office

WPM words per minute

wpn [AR 310-50] weapon

WPN 1weapon procurement, Navy, 2[JP 1-02] weapon(s)

WPOD water port of discharge

WPOE water port of embarkation

WPOS workplace operating system

WPP [AR 310-50] Weapons Production Program

WPR 1War Powers Resolution, 2weapon system report

WPREQ request for nuclear reserve weapons

WPRS War Powers Reporting System

WPS 1words per second, 2wordprocessing system, 3working prototype system, 4Windows® printing system [Microsoft],5Workplace Shell [IBM OS/2], 6Worldwide Port System, 7[AR 310-50] with prior service

WPSE weapon-peculiar support equipment

WPVM Windows parallel virtual machine

WPWOD [AR 310-50] will proceed without delay

WQEA weapon quality surveillance activity

wr [AR 310-50] water - rail

WR 1Wilson repeater, 2weather reconnaissance, 3[CJCSI 3231.01] weapon radius, 4[JP 4-02.1] war reserve

WR-ALC Warner Robins Air Logistics Center (AFLC)

WRA weapons replaceable assemblies

WRAIN [AR 310-50] Walter Reed Army Institute of Nursing

WRAIR Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

WRAM Windows® random access memory

WRAMC Walter Reed Army Medical Center

WRAMSOS WR-ALC Multiple System OFP Support System

WRAP 1war reserve automated process, 2Warfighter Rapid Acquisition Program, 3workpackage risk analysis procedure

WRB 1Web Request Broker [Oracle], 2warranty review board

WRC wartime consumption rate

WRCS weapon release computer set

WRDC Wright Research and Development Center (USAF)

WRECS weapon radiation effects on communications systems

WRK Windows Resource Kit [Microsoft]

WRM 1war readiness materiel, 2war reserve materiel (USAF), 3work rate master

WRMAG Water Resources Management Action Group

WRMCMR WRM control and management reporting (USAFE)

WRMLRSSL WRM Lists Requirements and Spares Supply List

wrmn [AR 310-50] wireman

WRMR war reserve materiel requirement

WRMRS WRM Rating System

WRMS war reserve materiel stocks

WRS 1weather reconnaissance squadron, 2war reserve stock

WRSA war reserve stock for allies

WRSK 1War Readiness Spares Kit (USAF), 2[JP 1-02] war reserve spares kit

WRSK/BLSS WRSK/base level self-sufficiency spares

WRT with respect to

WRWC wartime requirements for war consumables

WS 1weather squadron, 2weasel support, 3workstation, 4WordStar®, 5weapon system, 6weapon standardization, 7[FM 101-5-1] Samoa Western

WS3 weapon storage and security system

WSA 1weapons storage area, 2WWMCCS® system architecture, 3warfare system architect, 4[AR 310-50] weapon systems analysis

WSA&E warfare systems architecture and engineering (USN)

WSAB weapon system assessment briefing

WSAG Washington Special Action Group

WSAM 1weapon system assessment model, 2Weapon Systems Acquisition Manager Program for Naval Officers

WSAP weapon system acquisition process

WSAPI Web Site Application Program Interface [O'Reilly]

WSAS WWMCCS® standard application software

WSB weapons services branch

WSBCRCS Worldwide Stock Balance and Consumption Report Consolidation System

WSC 1Army/Navy waterborne special communications, 2War Support Center (Europe), 3weapons system controller, 4WIN site coordinator, 5wing security control, 6[JP 1-02] Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS©) Intercomputer Network (WIN) site coordinator

WSD 1working stress design, 2weapon system designator

WSDC weapon system designator code

WSDL weapons system data link

WSDP weapon source data package

WSE 1WWMCCS® system engineer (DCA), 2warfare system engineer, 3[JP 1-02] weapon support equipment

WSEG [AR 310-50] Weapons Systems Evaluation Group

WSEO WWMCCS® System Engineering Organization (DCA)

WSEP Weapons System Evaluation Program

WSES [USCG] surface effect ship

WSESRB weapon system explosive safety review board

WSF 1weapons systems fill, 2weather support force, 3weapon system factor, 4weapon system file

WSGT WWMCCS® standard graphics terminal

WSHCI weapon system human computer interface

WSIAO Weapon Support, Improvements and Analysis Office

WSIG weapon support improvement group (OSD)

WSIP weapon systems improvement program

WSIS weapon system information subsystem

WSLSC Worldwide Software Lifecycle Support Contract

WSM 1weapons system manager, 2warfighter system modeling, 3weapons safety manager, 4weapons system management

WSMAT weapon system management team

WSMC Western Space and Missile Center (AFSC)

WSMD weapon system management directorate

WSMIS Weapon System Management Information System (AFLC)

WSMP Weapon System Master Plan [USAF]

WSMR White Sands Missile Range

WSO 1weapon system operator, 2weapons systems officer, 3warning systems operator (USSPACECOM/ USSTRATCOM), 4[AR 310-50] Washington Standardization Officers

WSP 1weapons system pouch, 2weapons system package, 3weapons system processor, 4[AR 310-50] water supply point, [AR 310-50] Work Simplification Program

WSPAR weapon system program assessment review

WSPRS WIN SCF Performance Reporting System

WSPS 1Worldwide Standard Port System (MTMC), 2weapon systems pouch service

WSR 1weapon system reliability, 2weapons status report, 3weather search radar, 4weapon system review

WSRP [AR 310-50] weapons system requisitioning procedure

WSS 1warfare support system, 2weapons system security, 3WWMCCS® Standard System, 4workflow suspense system,5workstation server

WSSIB WWMCCS® Standard System Information Base

WSSM 1weapon system support model, 2weapon system staff manager

WSSO weapon system support officer

WSSS WWMCCS® standard system software

WST weapon system trainer

WSTA weapon system testability analyzer

WSTAWG weapon system technical architecture working group

WSTF [AR 310-50] White Sands Test Facilities

WSTM [AR 310-50] White Sands Transverse Macerator

WSU weather support unit

WSUMS WWDMS Scheduling and Management System

WSV 1wideband secure voice, 2weapon storage vault

WSVN Worldwide Secure Voice Network

WSW 1west-southwest, 2weapon system warranty

WSWP weapon system warranty plan

wt weight

WT 1differential temperature, 2write through, 3weapon training, 4wireless telegraphy, 5[JP 1-02] gross weight, 6[JP 1-02] warping tug, 7[JP 1-02] weight

WTC 1weapon and tactic center, 2workload technician code

WTCA water terminal clearance authority

WTCV weapons and tracked combat vehicles (appropriation) (Army)

WTD weapons training detachment

WTDOS weapon training detachments operating spares

WTGB harbor ice breaker

WTLO [JP 4-01.5] water terminal logistic office

WTM WWMCCS® technical manual

WTO World Trade Organization

WTR [AR 310-50] Western Test Range

WTS 1world terminal synchronous, 2Washington Tactical Switch, 3wartime task standard, 4workload tracking system

WTT 1weapon and tactics trainer, 2wind tunnel testing

Wu [JP 1-02] uncorrected sweep width

WU 1Western Union, 2[AR 310-50] weapons and utilities maintenance

WUBA [USN] working uniform blue alpha

WUC work unit code

WUG WWMCCS® /WIS Users Group

WUIS 1work unit information system, 2work unit information summary

WUR wartime usage rate

WV 1West Virginia, 2working voltage

WVA [AR 310-50] Watervliet Arsenal

WVDC working voltage direct current

WVEH [AR 310-50] wheel vehicle

WVRD [JP 3-08] World Vision Relief and Development, Inc

WVS world vector shoreline

WVS+ world vector shoreline plus

ww [AR 310-50] worldwide

WW 1wireway, 2wire-wound, 3MCCS ADP control center, 4weather wing, 5Wild Weasel

WWA Wild Weasel augmentation

WWABNCP Worldwide Airborne Command Post

WWAP [AR 310-50] Worldwide Asset Position

WWB [USN] working winter blue [uniform]

WWC wing work center

WWDMS Worldwide Data Management System (WWMCCS®)

WWDSA worldwide digital systems architecture

WWII [JP 1-02] World War II

WWIIVM [AR 310-50] World War II Victory Medal

WWIMS 1worldwide indicator and monitoring system, 2[JP 1-02] Worldwide Warning and Indicator Monitoring System

WWIMWSS Worldwide Management of Wholesale Subsistence Stock (DLA)

WWIO [AR 310-50] worldwide inventory objective

WWIS World Wide Information System [Internet]

WWIVM [AR 310-50] World War I Victory Medal

WWM wing weapons manager

WWMCCS® Worldwide Military Command and Control Computer System [trademark of Honeywell, Phoenix, AZ]

WWMCCSDPCE WWMCCS® Data Processing Center, Europe

WWMCS Worldwide Military Communication System

WWN [AR 310-50] with winch

WWO wing weather officer

WWOLS Worldwide On Line System (DCA)

WWPS Worldwide Port System

WWS WIS workstation

WWSS warfare and warfare support system

WWSV worldwide secure voice

WWSVA worldwide secure voice architecture

WWSVCS Worldwide Secure Voice Conferencing System

WWTCIP Worldwide Technical Control Improvement Plan

WWTP waste water treatment plant

WWW 1Worldwide Web, 2world weather watch

WX weather

WXFCST weather forecast

WXOBS weather observation report

WXSITREP weather situation report

WY Wyoming

WYSBYGI what you see before you get it

WYSIAYG what you see is all you get

WYSIWYG what you see is what you get

WYTL small harbor tugs

WYTM medium harbor tugs



v [JP 1-02] velocity of target drift

V 1volts, 2vertical, 3electronic tube, 4voltmeter, 5vacuum tube, 6aircraft symbol- staff (VIP) or VSTOL/VTOL, 7[FM 101-5-1] veterinary (graphics), 8[JP 1-02] sector pattern, 9[JP 1-02] SRU ground speed

V&V validation and verification

V-22A Osprey

V-MAN vehicle management

V.FC version.first class (communications standard)

V/D voice/data

V/F voltage to frequency

V/G variable geometry

V/m volt per meter [unit of picofarad electric field strength]

V/mil volt per mil

V/STOL vertical/short takeoff and landing aircraft

V/T voltage limited/temperature compensated

VA 1value analysis, 2Veterans Administration, 3Virginia, 4vital area, 5volt-ampere, 6virtual address, 7USN attack squadron,8variance analysis, 9visual aid, 10[JP 1-02] vulnerability assessment

VAAP [AR 310-50] Volunteer Army Ammunition Plant

VAB voice answer back

Vac volts alternating current [preferred]

VAC 1volts alternating current, 2vector analog computer, 3variance at completion

VAD value added dealer

VADC voice analyzer and data converter

VADD value added disk driver

VADE versatile auto data exchange

VADM [AR 310-50] vice admiral

VADS Vulcan Air Defense System

VADSL very-high-rate asymmetric digital subscriber line

VAEP variable, attributes, error propagation

VAES voice-activated electronic system

VAH [AR 310-50] Veterans Administration hospital

VAID variable air inlet duct

VAK tactical aerial refueling squadron

VAL 1validated, 2value, 3USN light attack squadron, 4voice application language, 5Vulnerability Assessment Laboratory (Army),6visit authorization letter

VALIDATE vulnerability and lethality improvement and demonstration for tanned

VALSAS variable length word symbolic assembly system

VAM 1vector airborne magnetometer, 2voltammeter, 3virtual access method, 4vertical angle measurement

VAMOS [AR 310-50] verified additional military occupational specialty

VAMOSC visibility and management of operating and support costs

VAMP 1vector arithmetic multiprocessor, 2visual-acoustic-magnetic pressure

VAN value-added network

VANWACE [AR 310-50] Vulnerability Analysis of Nuclear Weapons In Allied Command, Europe

VAP value added process [Novell]

VAPI virtual application programming interface

VAQ 1USN tactical electronic warfare squadron, 2visiting airman quarters

var volt-ampere reactive

VAR 1visual aural range, 2value added reseller, 3value added retailer, 4variable

varAD varying radiation

VARCS vehicle application and replacement categorical system

varHM var-hour meter

vari [AR 310-50] varityper

varISTOR variable resistor

VARITRAN variable-voltage transformer

VARR 1variable range reflector, 2visual aural radio range

VARS vertical azimuth reference system

VARVAL [JP 1-02] vessel arrival data, list of vessels available to marine safety offices and captains of the port

VAS 1vehicle allocation and summary (MAC), 2visual augmentation system, 3voice-activated system, 4value added service

VASCAR visual average speed computer and recorder

VASG VHDL analysis and standardization group

VASI visual approach slope indicator

VASIS visual approach slope indicator system

VASRD [AR 310-50] Veterans Administration Schedule for Rating Disabilities

VASS visual analysis subsystem

VAST 1versatile automatic specification tester, 2variable array storage technology, 3versatile avionics shop test

VAT 1voice-activated typewriter, 2virtual address translator, 3video audio tool, 4validation assessment team

VAT B [JP 1-02] (weather) visibility (in miles), amount (of clouds, in eighths), (height of cloud) top (in thousands of feet), (height of cloud) base (in thousands of feet)

VATE versatile automatic test equipment

VATLS [AR 310-50] visual airborne target locator system

VATS vibration analysis test set

VAUB vehicle authorization utilization board

VAUO vehicle authorization utilization officer

VAW [USN] carrier airborne early warning squadron

VAX 1virtual access extended [DEC], 2virtual address extension

VAX/VMS virtual address extension/virtual memory system [DEC]

VB 1variable block, 2vertical bomb, 3Visual Basic [Microsoft]

VBA 11vibrating beam accelerometer, 2Visual Basic for Applications [Microsoft]

VBD voice band data

VBE VGA standard BIOS extensions

VBE/AI VESA BIOS extension/audio interface

VBF USN fighter-bomber squadron

VBI vital bus inverter

VBITS Video Based Information Transmission System (FORSCOM)

VBM volatile bulk memory

vBNS very high speed backbone network service [MCI & NSF]

VBR variable bit rate

VBRUN Visual Basic runtime

VBSS [JP 3-07.3] visit, board, search, and seizure

Vc design cruise speed

VC 1vector control, 2voice coil, 3[USN] fleet composite squadron, 4virtual call (X25), 5Veterinary Corps, 6variable cost

VC/L vehicle container/launcher (UAV)

VCASS visually coupled airborne systems simulator

VCATS Visually Coupled Acquisition and Targeting System

VCC 1voice control center, 2virtual channel connection, 3voice communication control system, 4[JP 1-02] voice communications circuit

VCCS voltage-controlled current source

VCD 1variable capacitance diode, 2virtual communications driver

VCDS voice communications distribution system

VCF voltage-controlled frequency

VCG vertical location of the center of gravity

VCI virtual channel identifier

VCID voice-controlled interactive device

VCJCS Vice Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff

VCL 1vertical center line, 2visual component library, 3Visual Computing Library [Borland]

VCM 1version compatibility matrix, 2visual countermeasures

VCNO Vice Chief of Naval Operations

VCNOG [CJCSI 3410.01] Vice Chairman, Nuclear Operations Group

VCO 1voltage-controlled oscillator, 2vehicle control officer

VCOPG [CJCSI 3410.01] Vice Chairman, Operations Planners Group

VCOS Visual Caching Operating System [AT&T]

VCP 1vehicle control point, 2visual control position, 3vehicle control program, 4[AR 310-50] vehicle collecting point

VCPI virtual control program interface

VCR video cassette recorder

VCRM verification cross reference matrix

VCS 1visually coupled system, 2vehicle control system, 3versatile console system, 4video camera system, 5virtual command sphere, 6visual control station, 7voice communication system, 8virtual circuit switch

VCSA Vice Chief of Staff of the Army

VCSAF Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force

VCNO Vice Chief of Naval Operations

VCT voltage control transfer

VCU vehicular communication unit

VCXO 1[JP 1-02] voltage controlled crystal oscillator, 2[JP 1-02] voltage controlled oscillator

Vd maximum dive speed

VD 1voltage drop, 2[AR 310-50] venereal disease

VDAC video display-controller

VDAM virtual data access method

VDAS vibration data acquisition system

Vdc volts direct current

VDC 1virtual device coordinates, 2volts direct current

VDD 1virtual device driver, 2version description document, 3vehicle detection device

VDDM virtual device driver manager

VDE 1video display editor, 2visual development environment

VDET voltage detector

VDEV [AR 310-50] "V" Device

VDF 1VHF direction finding (station), 2video frequency

VDI virtual device interface

vdiff visual difference.

VDIG vertical display indicator group

VDISK virtual disk

VDM virtual DOS machine [IBM]

VDMAD virtual direct memory access device [Microsoft]

VDP 1video display processor, 2vertical data processing, 3vehicle down for parts, 4validation demonstration phase

VDR 1voltage-dependent resistor, 2[JP 1-02] voice digitization rate

VDRA voice and data recording auxiliary

VDRT visual display research tool

VDS 1vehicular data system, 2variable depth sonar, 3virtual DMA services, 4variable depth sonar (USN)

VDSD [JP 1-02] visual distress signaling device

VDSI video distribution subsystem Interface (USSPACECOM)

VDSL very-high-data-rate digital subscriber line

VDT 1video dial tone, 2video display terminal, 3virtual dumb terminal, 4video display tube

VDU 1video display unit, 2visual display unit

VDUC 1[JP 1-02] visual display unit controller

VE value engineering, 2[FM 101-5-1] Venezuela

VEA 1validation and edit acceptance, 2validation edit addition

VEB variable elevation beam

VEC value engineering coordinator

VECI vehicular equipment complement index

VECO vernier engine cutoff

VECOS vehicular checkout set

VECP value engineering change proposal

VECTA virtual environment configurable training aid

VEFCO vertient functional checkout

VEGA Video-7 Enhanced Graphics Adapter [Video-7, Inc.]

VEH 1[JP 1-02] vehicular cargo, 2[JP 1-02] vehicle

VEI value engineering incentive

vel [AR 310-50] velocity

VEL [AR 310-50] variable enlistment legislation

VELF velocity filter

VEM vasoexcitor material

VEMM virtual expanded memory manager

VEMMI versatile multimedia interface

VEP value engineering proposal

VEPIS vocational education program information system

VEPM value engineering program manager

VEPR value engineering program requirement

VEQ [AR 310-50] visiting enlisted quarters

VER 1verify, 2version

VERNITRAC vernier tracking by automatic correlation

Veronica Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Net-Wide Index to Computer Archives [Internet]

VERR verify read access

VERRP Voluntary Early Release and Retirement Program

VERS versed sine

VERT venture evaluation review technique

VERTREP vertical replenishment [helicopter transport of supplies to warships]

VERW verify write access

VESA Video Electronics Standards Association

VESP value engineering study proposal

VESS vehicular smoke system

vet 1[AR 310-50] veteran, 2[AR 310-50] veterinary

VET [AR 310-50] verbal test

Vetronics vehicle electronics

VEV voice excited voicecoder

VEX voice encryption accessory

VF 1voice frequency (30 – 300 MHz), 2variable frequency, 3video frequency, 4[USN] fighter squadron, 5virtual floppy

VFA [USN] strike-fighter squadron

VFAS Vertical Force Accounting System (Army)

VFAT virtual file allocation table

VFC 1voltage-to-frequency converter, 2USN fighter composite squadron

VFCT voice frequency carrier telegraph

VFD vacuum fluorescent display

VFDMIS Vertical Force Deployment Management Information System (Army)

VFFH very fast frequency hopping

VFGH [AR 310-50] Valley Forge General Hospital

VFK variable function key

VFMED variable format message entry device

VFMP Vehicle Fleet Management Program (Army)

VFO variable frequency oscillator

VFP USN photo-reconnaissance squadron

VFR [AR 310-50] visual flight rules

Vfr/VFR visual flight rules

VFTG 1voice frequency telegraph group, 2[JP 1-02] voice frequency telegraph, 3[AR 310-50] voice frequency telegraph terminal

VFU vertical format unit

VFW video for Windows [Microsoft]

VG 1variable geometry, 2vertical gyro, 3very good

VGA video graphics array

VGAS Vertical Gun for Advanced Ships (Navy)

VGC video graphics controller

VGG visual graphics generator

VGH velocity, gust, height

VGPI visual glide path indicator

VGSA visitor group security agreement

VHA 1variable housing allowance, 2[AR 310-50] very high altitude

VHD video high density

VHDL 1VHSIC Hardware Description Language, 2very high density logic

VHDU visual hand copy display unit

VHF very high frequency

VHFDF very high frequency direction finder

VHM virtual hardware monitor

VHS 1video home system, 2very high speed, 3virtual host storage

VHSIC very high speed integrated circuit

VI 1visual information, 2Virgin Islands, 3Visual Interactive (editor) [UNIX], 4visual identification mode

VIABLE Vertical Installation Automated Baseline System (Army)

vic vicinity

VIC 1Vector-in-command model [simulation module], 2variable instruction computer, 3visibility of intransit cargo (Army),4vulnerability/incident control

VICD vendor item control drawing

VICE [JP 1-02] advice

VICTORS Variable intensity Computerized Training System

VID 1virtual image display, 2visual identification

VIDAC visual information display and control

VIDAMP video amplifier

VIDAT visual data acquisition

VIDF video frequency

VIDOC visual information documentation

VIDSMAF visual information distribution system multi action forum

VIE virtual information environment

VIEP visual information equipment plan

VIF 1virtual interface, 2virtual interrupt flag

VIFF vectoring in forward flight

VIM 1vendor independent mail, 2vendor independent messaging, 3video interface module

VIMIS vertically integrated metal insulated semiconductor

VIMOS vibration and noise monitoring system

VIMS Vehicle Integrated Management System (USAF)

VINES virtual networking system [Banyan]

VINSON family of tactical secure voice equipment (e.g., KY58)

VINT video integration

VIO 1video input/output, 2virtual input/output

ViP visual programming [Lotus]

VIP 1variable information processing, 2visual information projection, 3video information processor, 4very important person,5vehicle improvement program, 6video information provider, 7virtual interrupt pending, 8visual information processor (Honeywell)

VIPER 1video processing and electrical reduction, 2verifiable integrated processor for enhanced reliability, 3[JP 1-02] vertical takeoff and landing integrated platform for extended reconnaissance

VIPP variable information processing process

VIPR versatile intelligence portable receiver

VIPS voice interruption priority system

VIQ variation in quantity

VIR vulnerability/incident report

VIRIN VI record identification number

VIRNS velocity inertia radar navigation system

vis 1[AR 310-50] visibility, 2[AR 310-50] visual

VIS 1visual information specialist, 2visual instruction set [Sun], 3voice information system, 4video information system [Tandy],5virtual instruction set [Sun], 6voice interactive system

VISA [JP 4-01.2] voluntary intermodal shipping agreement

VISC visual information support center

VISIT visual survey of infantry troops

VISMOD visual modification

VISTA 1very intelligent surveillance and target acquisition, 2Variable In-flight Stability Simulator Test Aircraft [a modified F-16],3visual imagery simulation training aid, 4visualization of intelligence supporting three-dimensional analysis

VITAL variably initialized translator for algorithmic languages

VITD vector interim terrain data

VITS 1vertical interval test signal, 2VHDL initiative toward ASIC Library

VJ HEADER Van Jacobsen Header (compression) [UNIX]

VL 1video logic, 2vertical landing

VL-bus (or VL-BUS) VESA local-bus

VLA 1very large array, 2vertical launched ASROC, 3very low altitude, 4[JP 1-02] visual landing aid

VLAGES Very Low Altitude Gravity Extraction System

VLAN virtual local area network

VLASROC vertical launch anti-submarine rocket (USN)

VLB VESA local bus

VLBI very long baseline interferometry

VLC variable length code

VLCS voltage logic, current switching

VLD variable-length decoder

VLED visible light-emitting diodes

VLF 1variable field length, 2very low frequency (3 to 30 kHz), 3very long range, 4very large format

VLI variable length integer

VLINK visited link [HTML]

VLIW very large instruction word

VLM virtual loadable module

VLO very low observable

VLR 1very long range, 2[JP 1-02] very-long-range aircraft, 3[AR 310-50] very long range

VLS vertical launch system

VLSI very large scale integration

VLSIC very large scale integrated circuit

VLSIPS very large scale immobilized polymer synthesis

VLSISC very large scale integration socketing capability

VLSTRACK vapor, liquid and solid tracking

VLVS voltage-logic, voltage switching

VLT variable list table

VM 1velocity modulation, 2virtual machine, 3voltmeter, 4virtual memory

VM/SP virtual machine/system product

VMA 1[USMC] attack squadron, 2virtual memory address

VMA-(AW) USMC all-weather attack squadron

VMAAW [USMC] attack (all weather) squadron

VMAQ [USMC] electronic warfare squadron

VMAT USMC attack training squadron

VMB 1virtual machine boot, 2video memory buffer, 3USMC bombardment squadron

VMC visual meteorological conditions

VMCJ USMC electronic warfare squadron

VMD video motion detector

VME 1VERSA Module Eurocard, 2virtual memory environment

VMF 1variable message format, 2USMC fighter squadron, 3visibility management file

VMFA [USMC] fighter-attack squadron

VMFAT [USMC] fighter-attack training squadron

VMFP [USMC] photo reconnaissance squadron

VMGR [USMC] refueler-transport squadron

VMI vendor managed inventory

VMIU virtual memory interface unit (Honeywell)

VMM 1virtual machine monitor, 2Virtual Machine Manager [OS/2], 3virtual memory manager, 4virtual machine manager

VMMD vehicle mounted mine detector

Vmo maximum permitted operating speed

VMO [USMC] observation squadron

VMOS 1virtual memory operating system, 2vertical metal oxide semiconductor (also V-MOS) (see MOS, sense 4)

VMP virtual modem protocol

VMR volume movement report(s)

VMS 1virtual memory [operating] system [DEC], 2voice message system, 3voice mail system

VMT virtual memory technique

VMTSS virtual machine time sharing system

VMU voice message unit

VMX 1voice mail, 2voice message exchange

VNA virtual network architecture

VNCM [AR 310-50] Vietnam Campaign Medal

VNIR very near infrared

VNRT very-near-real-time

VNTK [JP 1-02] target vulnerability indicator designating degree of hardness; susceptibility of blast; and K-factor

VO 1validation office, 2[AR 310-50] verbal orders

VOA 1velocity of arrival, 2visual optical countermeasures, 3[AR 310-50] Voice of America

VOC 1voice operated coder, 2Creative Voice (format) [Sound Blaster], 3volatile organic compound

VOCG [AR 310-50] verbal orders of commanding general

VOCO [AR 310-50] verbal orders of commanding officer

VOCODER 1voice-operated coder, 2voice coder, 3voice-operated code

VOCOM voice communication

VOCS [AR 310-50] verbal orders of the Chief of Staff

VOCU [JP 1-02] voice orderwire control unit

VOD 1video on demand, 2vertical on-board delivery

VODACOM voice data communications

VODAS voice-operated anti-sing device

VODAT voice-operated device for automatic transmission

VODER voice operation demonstrator

VODP [AR 310-50] verbal orders by direction of the President

VOICECON [AR 310-50] telephone conference

VOIS visual observation instrumentation subsystem

VOLERE voluntary/legal/regulatory

vol 1[AR 310-50] volume, 2[AR 310-50] volunteer

VOL 1volume, 2[JP 1-03.17] volunteer

VOLAR [AR 310-50] Volunteer Army

VOLS [JP 1-02] vertical optical landing system

VOLTAN voltage amperage normalizer

VOM volt-ohm meter

VON 1voice over the net, 2video over the net, 3AUTOVON, 4virtual on net service

VOO vehicle operation officer

VOQ visiting officer quarters

VOR 1very-high-frequency omidirectional radio range, 2visions of reality, 3visual omnirange radio, 4visual operating restrictions

VOR-DME variable omni-range distance measuring equipment

VORTAC VHF omni range and tactical air navigation

VOS 1verbal operating system, 2voice operating system, 3voice operated switch, 4virtual operating system

VOSA [AR 310-50] verbal orders of Secretary of the Army

VOTA vibration open test assembly

VOTAG [AR 310-50] verbal orders of The Adjutant General

Vox voice keying or activation

VOX 1voice-operated relay circuit, 2voice-operated transmitter keyer, 3voice extension

vp variable pitch (propeller)

VP 1vent pipe, 2vertical polarization, 3vulnerable point, 4[USN] patrol squadron, 5virtual path, 6vital point, 7vulnerable point, 8virtual prototyping

VPB [CJCSI 6271.01] version planning board

VPD 1virtual printer device, 2vital product data [IBM], 3[CJCSI 6271.01] version planning document

VPDN virtual private data network

VPDS virtual private data service [MCI]

VPE 1video port extensions [Microsoft], 2visual programming environment

VPF vector product format

VPI virtual path identifier

VPIP Vinson/Parkhill Implementation Plan

VPK [AR 310-50] vehicle per kilometer

VPL virtual programming language

VPM 1vehicles per mile, 2volts per mile, 3video port manager, 4virtual parallel machine

VPMOS [AR 310-50] verified primary military occupational specialty

VPN 1virtual page number, 2virtual private network [Microsoft]

VPO virtual projection origin

VPP volume purchase plan [Adobe]

VPR 1virtual PPI reflectoscope, 2[AR 310-50] voluntary price reduction

VPRESSVB [AR 310-50] Vice-Presidential Service Badge

VPRF variable pulse repetition frequency

VPS 1voice processing system, 2Vanguard Planning Summary, 3video processing system

VPSC vault, process, structure, configuration

VPT virtual print technology [Dataproducts]

VPTS voice processing training system

VPWPU SAFE Four Echelon Wartime Casualty System

VPX video pixel

VQ 1fleet air reconnaissance squadron, 2USN electronic reconnaissance squadron, 3shore based recon aircraft (USN)

Vr rotation speed

VR 1virtual reality, 2voltage regulator, 3voltage relay, 4fleet logistics support squadron, 5voice recognition, 6voltage regulated,7volunteer reserve, 8variability reduction

VRAM video random access memory

VRB 1VHF recovery beacon, 2[AR 310-50] variable reenlistment bonus

VRC 1vertical redundancy check, 2visual record computer, 3fleet logistics support (COD) squadron, 4viewing reference coordinate, 5voice response controller, 6vehicle radio communications

VRE voltage regulated extended

VRF 1visual recording facility, 2USN transport wing

VRFWS [AR 310-50] vehicle rapid fire weapon system

VRGC [AR 310-50] voucher register and general control

VRM voltage regulator module

VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language (originally named Virtual Reality Markup Language)

VROOMM Virtual Real-time Object Oriented Memory Manager [Borland]

VRP viewing reference point

VRR visual radio range

VRS vendor rating system

VRSA voice-reporting signal assembly

VRT voltage regulation technology [Intel]

VRU 1voice response unit, 2version/release/update

Vs stalling speed

VS 1vacuum switch, 2variable speed, 3variable sweep, 4virtual storage, 5voltmeter switch, 6[USN] air anti-submarine squadron,7video switch, 8vestigial sideband, 9[JP 1-02] sector single-unit

VS&PT [JP 1-02] vehicle summary and priority table

VSA 1virtual server architecture, 2virtual storage access, 3validity and statistical analysis subsystem

VSAM 1virtual sequential access method, 2virtual storage access method, 3virtual system access method [IBM]

VSAT very small aperture terminal

VSB vestigal sideband

VSC vibration safety cutoff

VSCF variable-speed-constant frequency

VSD 1vehicle sub-depot, 2vertical situation display, 3video symbology display, 4video teleconference saving database, 5[AR 310-50] vendor's shipping document

VSE 1virtual system extended, 2virtual storage extended

VSF vertical scanning frequency

VSI 1vertical speed indicator, 2virtual socket interface, 3[AR 310-50] very seriously ill

VSII very seriously ill or injured

VSIO virtual serial input output

VSL variable safety level

VSLI very large scale integration

VSM 1vestigal sideband modulation, 2virtual shared memory, 3virtual storage management, 4visual system management [IBM],5[AR 310-50] Vietnam Service Medal

VSMF visual search microfilm file

VSMOS [AR 310-50] verified secondary military occupational specialty

VSN volume serial number

VSOS virtual storage operating system

VSP [JP 1-02] voice selection panel

VSR [JP 1-02] sector single-unit radar

VSS 1visual source save [Microsoft], 2vehicle systems simulator, 3video shooting system, 4video signal simulator

VSSSN [AR 310-50] verification status social security number

VST 1virtual studio technology [Steinberg], 2VINSON subscriber terminal

VSTOL vertical/short takeoff and landing

VSW verification software

VSWR voltage standing wave ratio

VSYNC vertical sync

VT 1vacuum tube, 2variable time, 3video tape, 4Vermont, 5voice tube, 6[USN] training squadron 7vertical tab, 8variable time (proximity) fuse, 9virtual terminal, 10vehicle teleoperation

VTA [JP 4-05] voluntary tanker agreement

VTAADS [AR 310-50] Vertical TAADS (The Army Authorization Documents System)

VTAM 1virtual telecommunications access method, 2virtual terminal access method (IBM)

VTAS Visual Target Acquisition System [a helmet sight]

VTC 1video teleconference, 2Video Teleconferencing System (PACAF), 3video teleconferencing capability, 4[TTPIO-ABCS] video teleconference center

VTCA Victim of Terrorism Compensation Act

VTCN video telecommunication conferencing network

VTCS vehicular traffic control system

VTD vertical tape display

VTF vertical test facility

VTL variable threshold logic

VTM 1voltage tunable magnetron, 2verification team manager

VTO voltage tuned oscillator

VTOC visual table of contents

VTOL vertical take off and landing

VTOL-UAV [JP 1-02] vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aerial vehicle

VTP virtual terminal protocol

VTR 1video tape recording, 2voice tape recorded, 3[AR 310-50] video tape recorder

VTS 1virtual terminal service, 2variable tracking strategy, 3video target simulator, 4video teleseminar, 5[CJCSI 6130.01] vessel traffic service

VTT 1video teletraining, 2video target trainer

VTVM vacuum tube voltmeter

VU 1volume unit, 2vehicle unit, 3voice unit

VUA [AR 310-50] Valorous Unit Award

VUCA volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity

VUE visual user environment [HP]

VUI video user interface

VUNC [AR 310-50] Voice of United Nations Command

VUP VAX unit of performance

VUTS verification unit test set

VV&A verification, validation and accreditation

VV&C verification, validation, and certification

VVA verification, validation, accreditation

VVC voltage variable capacitor

VVTIC [TR 350-70] video teletraining instructor training course

VWB Visual WorkBench [Microsoft]

VWL variable word length

VX [USN] air test and evaluation squadron

VxD virtual extended driver [Microsoft]

VXE [USN] Antarctic development squadron

VXN [USN] oceanographic development squadron